The exciting life of a single girl (plus GIP)

Jul 14, 2007 19:50

It's Saturday night. I'm home. I have a slight headache. The cats are nowhere to be seen.

Attended last night's Clarion West party. Was delighted to find jaylake, among others, in attendance. Sang with a few people (American Pie, some Neil Young, and so on); jackwilliambell brought his guitar, so I picked at it a little and was then informed that I had to practice on ( Read more... )

gip, social butterfly, room switcheroo

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Comments 11

tbclone47 July 15 2007, 03:28:17 UTC
I was there in spirit. And probably at some point within a mile or two of the party. But I tell you, the directions on the party flyer--if you aren't very familiar with the neighborhood--didn't help me at all. I got a nice Friday night tour of the Seattle area though. Luckily, I was able to hook up with Jack Skillingstead for a few drinks down south later on.

So far, I'm 0 for 4. Hope to make at least ONE of the parties!


scarlettina July 15 2007, 05:14:39 UTC
Wow. It was about 5 blocks from my house! The directions were actally pretty good, I thought...but then I know the neighborhood.

Listen, if you wanna make next week's, wanna meet for dinner beforehand?


davidlevine July 15 2007, 03:29:16 UTC
Yeah, but I still like Eccleston better. Tennant doesn't have the same... edge.


scarlettina July 15 2007, 05:16:16 UTC
Oh no? Have you seen Human Nature/Family of Blood yet? Eccleston is still my first love, but Tennant is growing on me in a serious way.


davidlevine July 15 2007, 05:30:05 UTC
Not yet, we're watching them on sci-fi. Just saw the Shakespeare episode.


scarlettina July 15 2007, 06:04:25 UTC
Well, you have a few episodes to go, but just wait. By the end of The Family of Blood you'll get a whole different view of Tennant. Remember when this Doctor said, "No second chances" back during The Christmas Invasion? He wasn't kidding. I promise.


(The comment has been removed)

scarlettina July 15 2007, 05:17:13 UTC
Yep. Top of Queen Anne, same side of the street as Noah's Bagels, but a block further north.


oldmangrumpus July 15 2007, 05:55:35 UTC
burger_eater July 15 2007, 17:56:54 UTC
I was just about to ask about this. Thanks!


skidspoppe July 15 2007, 06:29:42 UTC
"What's a GIP?" said the technospeakerly challenged boy from Vegas


scarlettina July 15 2007, 15:03:21 UTC
Gratutitous Icon Post


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