Feline touching games

May 05, 2005 22:21

Tonight, after I got home from a wonderful dinner with Mr. and Mrs. mbourne who are soon to be Seattlites (a development about which I'm very pleased), I got into my comfy jammies and settled on top of the bedclothes for some pre-bedtime reading and web surfing.

Merlin galloped up the stairs, bounded onto the bed and flopped over on to his side. He curled up in what I'm coming to think of as "assuming his shrimp mode" and reached out one paw. I reached out a couple of fingers and stroked his paw pads a couple of times. He pulled his paw back.

I stretched out my legs and surfed a bit. Soon, I felt my big toe being touched. Merlin had reached out and was batting gently at my big toe. I wiggled the toe. He batted gently, then pulled his paw back. I reached my foot out a bit; he reached his paw out and we batted each other's feet for a bit.

Finally, he curled a paw around my toe and sniffed it vigorously. Satisfied, he let go of my toe and rolled over to clean the underside of one leg.

Cats? Cats are odd.

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In other news, it's 10:28 PM and I've yet to receive final word from the workshop on my status. If tonight was typical, then the session (which I did not attend because they were voting on my status) should have been over at least an hour ago. Oddly, I'm not really stressed about it. I'm curious but not overwrought. Hm. I wonder what's up.


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