
May 01, 2005 09:13

I've been up since 6 AM. Damn cats.

Important safety tip: Buttered matzoh, like buttered bread, when dropped will always land butter-side down.

Note to self: When Merlin the Aged is Very Hungry, he should be spoon fed. Dumping food into a bowl for him to vaccuum up will invariably result in Badness. Hand feeding is slower and more painstaking, but it will keep the food in the cat and not on the carpet. ::sigh::

On the upside, this morning a gorgeous Stellar's Jay visited my balcony and peered in the window with a gimlet eye. He showed off his sleek and shiny feathers, then took off, a blue flash in the morning light.

Happy May and good Beltane to those who celebrate.

kitties, laundry list, nature

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