Ten Years on LiveJournal

Sep 21, 2013 09:33

Ten years. September 9, 2013 was my 10th anniversary on LiveJournal. I'm here because herself_nyc admonished me that I hadn't been keeping in touch as I ought since I moved to the Pacific Northwest. LiveJournal was our solution. I don't know that it was the best solution we could have come up with--I suspect we've talked less over the years as a result of simply being able to read each other's LJs--but it changed my life. Here I am, ten years later, a veteran contributor. Some statistics for the numbers-minded. In 10 years I have accumulated:
  • 4,055 (now 4,056) entries (that's 405 posts a year on average, though I'm certain that things have slowed down the last couple of years)
  • 19,500 comments posted
  • 28,619 comments received
Pretty amazing achievement. Lots of words (how many novels' worth, I wonder?). And a lot has happened. I thought about the things I wanted to highlight. I thought I might do what my friend ATC calls a listicle (great word!)--a top-ten list of posts from over the years. I suspect this is more than 10 things, but it covers the ground pretty thoroughly.

So, without further ado, here are highlights: Ten Years of LiveJournal:

Favorite tags
  • Posts about writing: As you might expect
  • Posts about my work being published: Again, as you might expect
  • 121 books entries: Mostly reviews, and I'm glad to have them.
  • 197 movies entries: Again, mostly reviews, and I'm glad to have them.
  • 192 current events entries: Commentary on everything from fannish kerfuffles to major political events
  • Posts about the kitties
  • Imaginary world fantasy convention: In 2009, I couldn't attend the World Fantasy Convention, so I took to Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal and created a series of posts about a fantastic convention with dream Guests of Honor, and about Glinda the Good Witch, who . . . got around. Other people chimed in and contributed, which was awesome. I still have the posts all aggregated in a file on my computer. I collected them with the thought of publishing them as a zine/souvenir for anyone who was interested though I never did put it together. I also created official mugs, tee shirts, totebags and magnets. People still ask me if I'm going to do this again. I have always thought I'd like to, but with planning and plotlines--but I never get started early enough and I'm rarely as focused as I was in 2009 when I did it the first time.
  • The penguin project: 2009 was a big year. The summer before Imaginary WFC, EB, markbourne, ladyjestocost, chaoselemental and I participated in an art project sponsored by Woodland Park Zoo, in which we all created penguin sculptures to celebrate the opening of the new penguin exhibit. These penguins were distributed around the city on exhibit and then auctioned off to benefit the zoo. I loved working on that project and love that I could share it with friends. This series of posts also includes pictures. So much fun.
  • Year in review: On the last day of every year, I post a year in review, a series of questions that I answer. It's an interesting retrospective, especially when the posts are read in aggregate this way
  • Europe 2012: This time last year, I was in Europe--Paris with EB, Lithuania with skidspoppe and Amsterdam by myself. I blogged the trip pretty thoroughly. You can read the whole trip at this link.
  • Tsavo, Kenya, 2007: In 2007, I volunteered with a scientific expedition to observe the maneless lions of Tsavo, Kenya. I transcribed much--but not all--of the trip journal. In this series of posts (which includes an index to all the entries I did post as well as some pictures), you can at least get a taste of what the trip was like.
Posts of note
This is a list of some posts that feel like they ought to be memorialized here. I can't exactly articulate why:My two other LiveJournal accounts
I should also note the two other LiveJournal accounts that I've kept here. One was an exercise in writing a story a day based on a dictionary word. The idea was a noble one but it didn't last very long. The other is my fanfic account, Somewhere in Time, where I keep what little fanfic I've written recently. It's all Doctor Who, with one Who/Frasier cross-over that I'm pretty proud of.

And last but not least, posts about family, friends, and pets I've lost along the way, from most recent to least:So, happy anniversary to me and LiveJournal! It's been a long and fruitful association despite technical glitches, apartment moves, job changes, and travels. I'm so glad that I'm here.

year in review, laundry list, about me, lj

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