Ezekiel's Not-So-Grand Grand Adventure

Sep 15, 2013 06:47

Just call him Danger Cat.

Yesterday, for some reason, Zeke decided that it was time to make his break for it any way he could. In the morning, he zipped out the front door while I was juggling bags of recycling for disposal. He got all the way to the front of the building, and I had to navigate a path under the shrubs and trees to grab him and bring him in. He didn't protest my retrieval, but I think he knew he'd done something he shouldn't do.

Later in the afternoon, I was here with MD. We were geeking out over things genealogical when we heard a scrabble-scrabble-thump from the balcony. Zeke had gone over the edge. I ran down to the backyard, but didn't see him anywhere. Then I heard a meow from above. Somehow, he had caught himself on the balcony below mine. He looked fine, but I had to get him--and my neighbor was to be out of town the whole weekend. In the end, we got the emergency key for that apartment from the condo association secretary and, with permission from the neighbor, got in and retrieved my little daredevil.

Inspection revealed that he'd shattered and torn a couple of claws. He was a little bloody but the claws were all still there. His paws were a little tender but he was otherwise just a fine. One phone call to the vet later and I knew what I had to do to care for him. He spent the rest of the day being remarkably quiet (for him), curled up on a towel on the big easy chair in my living room. Guess he'd had enough excitement for one day.

This cat has been more destructive and has tested his boundaries more than any other cat I've ever had. There's never a dull moment with Ezekiel.

ezekiel, the kitties, zeke

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