Worldwide Connections

Aug 08, 2012 07:59

It's all maryrobinette's fault. A while back, she participated in and journaled about the month of letters project, which was all about connecting via the written word--and getting mail. Real, old-fashioned, handwritten mail. I was enthralled by this idea because I love receiving mail and I love the action of writing same. I followed the links in her post and discovered PostCrossing, a project in which people from all over the world register and then send and receive postcards. I've been doing it for about 6 months now, and have received postcards from everywhere--Belarus, Taiwan, Ukraine, Korea, Poland, Finland, Russia, Singapore, Netherlands. And I've sent them everywhere, too. Some of the cards I've received haven't been overly special, even if their points of origin were. But some of them have been beautiful. I wanted to share a few here. These are some of my favorites.

Best surprise so far has been the Doctor Who postcard from Belarus:

This card from Holland includes a die-cut heart right out of the corner of the card.

I'm discovering that I love vintage photographs, so it's no surprise that this picture of old Moscow is a favorite of mine.

The traveler in me wants to go to Kiev now. Isn't it picturesque?

I hope to share more postcards as I have the chance. I've received a card in the shape of a wooden shoe. I've received visual trickery, pictures from zoos in other countries, art, all sorts of things. But I wanted to at least start sharing some of what I've received. It's fun to find surprises in the mail this way and to get a glimpse of other people's lives.

postcards, postcrossing

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