The Ballad of River Song

Apr 07, 2011 10:48

Like everyone else I was !!!!!! about the new trailers. I'm loving the dynamic between characters and the promise of a bit of a darker turn but mostly I'm excited about more River.

I do have to confess that I'm still trying to wrap my head around the seemingly conflicting portrayals of "BAMF!River" and "Angel in the House River" we saw at the end of Forest of the Dead. I don't necessarily disagree with the theory that this was CAL's reality and her dream of having a mother but...that sort of makes it really horrific. Not only is River forced into an eternal existence, she's forced into an eternal existence being the puppet to a adolescent hard drive.

If it is River's choice to be the angel in flowing gowns (which is, of course, Moffat's choice to make her the angel in flowing gowns), I'm really, really curious to see how the story takes us there. What will happen in her future that makes that reality appealing?

All theories welcome and appreciated. ;-)

Is it April 23 yet?

I would have much rather seen River being all Thursday Next, living a life of adventure amongst the great literary works of the UNIVERSE! I still think the Doctor will D/L her one day and she will kick his ass
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