Book Day!

Mar 15, 2011 10:06

Oh, flist...I have so much to catch-up on. My Gallifrey One report, my near death experience from Gally!Flu (I just finished my last course of meds last weekend - aye carumba)and general mayhem and fun. But since I'm still playing deadline catch-up it will have to wait a few more days.

But I did want to jump in to say that today is Book Day! Whedonistas has been released into the wild and while it's been a bit nerve wracking watching the reviews roll in, I've been amazed at how each reviewer picks something different from the book that has touched them. As I said on twitter, I think that means we (as editors) did it right. ;-)

Thanks to all the LJ peeps who helped with this project. Whether you were a contributor, a hand-holder or someone who offered sage advice, this wouldn't have been a success without you.

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