Deep(ish) thoughts. And icons. :)

Mar 17, 2009 04:25

Been updating my websites - I rounded up some news and photos on my Dana International page, and did the same for my Peter Cook site. I missed the release of a new Peter Cook-related book, his second wife Judy Cook's Loving Peter: My Life With Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. (That's Judy and Peter in the pic at left.) It came out in August 2008, but this totally passed me by. I don't think I'll be ordering it; I never did finish reading Wendy Cook's memoir because it just got depressing. Fascinating, but sad - apparently he actually hit her and even pushed her down the stairs.
To say the least, this development had threatened to diminish or totally get rid of my adoration for the Cook. I sort of felt like, I don't care how funny he was - it's hard to be a fan of someone who was (allegedly, I guess) abusive. But then it occurred to me that, well, I'm a fan of his work (and his looks, yeah - I'm shallow like that!), and it's totally possible to be a fan of someone's work (and looks, lol) and not the actual person. You know? I'm a fan of Peter Cook the hot comedian, but not real-life Peter Cook. I dunno, it makes sense in my head. :)

So anyways, what brought these deep thoughts about Peter Cook on was finding out about that Judy Cook book. (From a thing Judy Cook wrote here, it looks like Wendy wasn't kidding - Peter Cook was probably not the greatest guy in real life.)

I think I've found my favorite album of the year so far. Bat For Lashes will be releasing Two Suns in April, but it leaked so I had a sneaky listen. I absolutely love it. I wasn't big on her first album - I only liked a few tracks - but Two Suns is wonderful. The music is that perfect blend of uninhibited creativity and oddness that is right up my alley. So Google the album or wait until April, but make sure you do listen to it sometime - you won't be disappointed! :)

I'm on Spring Break right now - my activities consist of sleeping and goofing off on the internets (and in real life, of course). :) Hope everyone is doing well! :D

Also - if you're in need of new icons, I made Bat For Lashes and Peter Cook icons ( here), and Madonna, Mylene Farmer, and Lady GaGa icons ( here). :)

iconpile, peter cook, music

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