O hay

Mar 06, 2009 17:56

All righty! Time for another LJ post! Life is going along pretty nicely. My grandfather is doing well and things with him seem to be more stable now. :)

School is fine too. I'm taking a class about global warming and a British history class, and I'm really enjoying both of them. The global warming class (as I call it; it has a more official sounding name but it's slipped my mind at the moment!) is a cool class because it not only is relevant to current issues, but it also knocks out my last CORE requirement. Yay! :D I'm enjoying the history class too. I seem, though, to be able to relate pretty much each big block of time we're studying to a season of Blackadder - at least from the third series on. I don't know if this is a good thing or not! :D

I was searching Google Images for pics of Pop Levi (he's awesome, so check his tunes out) to make some icons with, and what should pop up in the results but something totally unrelated to him - a candid of Noel Fielding! He weasels his way into everything! ;) :D

I need to write more music reviews. It seems like as soon as school started, things kept coming up that kept me from getting into the mood to write about my fave tunes. Several cool albums and singles have come out recently that I must talk about so perhaps my poor music blog will get some new entries soon. :)

school, noel fielding, music, updates

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