Title: Aftershock
Pairing(s): Kurt/Amanda
Rating: PG.
Summary: Kurt has a question.
Author's Notes: The follow-up of
Small Surprises. Disclaimer: Don't own. They're Marvels.
Poor Kurt. She hated to just drop a bombshell like that on him, but when he didn’t listen, she knew that shock tactics were the quickest way to get his attention. And there might have been a little part of her that liked making him feel so uneasy, but she tried to ignore it.
“Are you sure?” He asked, turning to face her. He looked like she’d just /had/ the baby in front of him, instead of just telling him that it would happen in nine months or so.
She nodded, and Kurt nodded, just because she was nodding. He stopped when she did, and she smiled at him. He was so pathetic when he was confused, and it was so cute that Amanda almost let a contented sigh escape her. Almost.
“Is it… mine?” He asked tentatively. And Amanda burst out laughing.
It was a crime to be indoors on a dazzling day like the one shining down on Westchester, and almost all the X-Men were outside, enjoying the sunshine. Conspicuously absent were Amanda and Kurt.
~They’ll be fine, Jean. Stop worrying.~
Jean turned to smile over her shoulder at her husband, and Warren rolled his eyes at the pause in their conversation. ~What makes you think I’m worrying?~
~I can /hear/ it. Every so often I say on of their names, and Bobby is giving me the strangest looks.~
~I’m sure he’s just jealous of my incredibly sexy husband.~
~Very funny.~
The sounds of the get-together were spread wide across the Institute, and Amanda could hear them from her position at the lake. She sat opposite Kurt, who had asked her to come here for a ‘talk’. He had been funny with her since she had told him she was pregnant the previous day. She was dreading this.
“Amanda… I know what you must think of how I acted last time we were together.” He begun, and immediately, Amanda wanted to object, but Kurt waved a hand for silence. “I was… a jerk. But I need to know… do you want to keep the baby?”
It was a question she hadn’t expected, but not one she hadn’t considered. There was only one choice she had ever considered making, but she hadn’t factored Kurt into her thoughts. What if he didn’t want her to keep the baby? “Yes, I want to keep it. But if you don’t want me to, I won--”
“No.” Kurt interrupted. “I didn’t think I could be with you. Your magic… its so uncertain. But a baby changes things.” He said, and a wild hope exploded into Amanda’s blood, pulsing, hammering, making her feel anxious and excited all at once. “I always wanted a child. And I can think of no-one better than you to have one with. So there’s something I have to ask.”
He reached into his pocked, fishing out a small, velvet lined box. He stood, and then kneeled, one knew on the floor, one not. He opened the box, and inside was a diamond on a silver band. A ring. “Amanda Sefton… will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?”
A few moments after her chastisement, Jean Grey sensed much of the attention of the assembled X-Men change, re-directed towards the lake. She turned to see what was going on.
She turned to look at him once more, and he pointed in the direction of the lake. She saw Amanda and Kurt, their missing team members, walking towards the rest of the group, hand in hand. And something glittered on Amanda’s finger. ~You see, honey? I told you not to worry.~