Plot: Popular actor Shiraki Rengo dies suddenly. Due to his sudden death, unpopular actor Kawata Daiki attracts the spotlight due to his close friendship with Rengo. Did Shiraki Rengo commit suicide or was he murdered?
info credits: Sukaretto says: p.s. major spoilers ahead. [read at your own risk.]I know, Shige's a smart and everything but I still don't like him. Just when I just started to get into the HsJ fandom, they're also starting to do promotions for this movie. And I was like, oh great, Yuto and Masaki, I might look forward to it even though I don't like Shige (I had to say that again, I'm sorry Shige fans). And because this was an entry to some film festivals, it was reviewed by foreign critics. They praised the actors, but the plot wasn't really that great. I've read the plot, it got me interested. Now that I've finished watching it, I quite agree with the foreign critics, the actors were amazing (I especially like Kaho), but the story, not much. It didn't even give me the "did he murdered him?" feel. It was interesting though. Right after I finished the movie, I had to read a full review/summary of the novel and see the differences. I've also read some reviews of those who've read the novel and then watched the movie, they weren't happy with the movie at all, too. That always happens when it's adapted from a novel/manga. If I ever had the chance to read the novel before watching, I might not like the movie at all, too. That's why I was hoping to read the novel now so I could compare, but goodluck to me. That's more motivation to learn Japanese, though. Anyway, I know they changed a lot from the novel into the movie, like how Sally/Ishikawa was more involved with things in the movie than in the novel, her relationship with both Gocchi and Riba-chan. Also, the ending in the novel was more open to interpretations than in the movie. From the reviews of those who've read the novel, the novel is focused on Gocchi and Riba-chan's friendship, while the movie's about the darkness of the entertainment industry. I hope it wasn't all that dark, though. Now I'm worried about my idols. XD Anyway, if you're a big Yuto, or Masaki, or Kaho fan, then you should watch this. [major spoiler this way.]They really really did a good job. I was smling so hard, mouth hanging open when they transitioned into another character. I kind of understand the title now, it has double meaning -- the suit Gocchi was wearing, and what's real or what's splattered with paint to make it look pleasant. Also, I must say, Yuto did a great job with the sex scene with Kaho (of course she did a great job, too). I mean, have you seen Ayano Go in Helter Skelter? And he's supposed to be a more eperienced actor than Yuto. I can't watch him there without cringing. Fans said Yuto fans would probably have a ruined image of him after watching this. I'm a Yuto fan but all I have for him is praise after watching. No ruined image at all (that sexual harassment scandal was what ruined his image for me). I hope he gets more diverse roles from now on, catch up with Masaki! I intentionally didn't write the character names beside the actor names because it's complicated and I don't want to ruin it.