Plot: There are three sisters: 29-year-old Sachi, 22-year-old Yoshino and 19-year-old Chika. They live at a house in Kamakura, Japanese. Their house was left by their grandmother. One day, they receive news of their father's death. When the sisters were young, their parents divorced and their father left them. They haven't seen their father in 15 years. Upon hearing the news on their father's death, the sisters attend their father's funeral. At the funeral, they meet their stepsister Suzu. She is 14-years-old and there are no one to take care of her. Oldest sister Sachi invites Suzu to live with them.
info credits: Sukaretto says: p.s. spoilers ahead. [read at your own risk.]I need to apologize to this movie. I got lured by a Kentaro x Masami gif on tumblr. I watched it without reading the plot. No wonder this was used as an entry to a lot of film festivals. I think I've already said this but I really like movies like this, no conflict, just showing us life. And gods, does this movie made me cry. I know, there isn't even drama (that would make one cry), but it's like this movie was made out of my life. Except I'm not as kind as the three sisters. XD It just made me so emotional. The acting was good, too. It's been a while since I last saw Haruka in a non-comedy movie or drama or role. It's refreshing to see her not acting stupid for a change. I never liked Masami before, I don't know why. Maybe because of the characters she played? But I like her here. She pulled off the 22-year-old character. I mean, they're almost the same age as Haruka! I also like Kaho. I've only seen her in 1 or 2 dramas but I like her. And I adore Suzu. She's just so cute, and she can act well, too! I always forget how young she is. She definitely did a good job as the character Suzu. I also like the character Futa, he's so cute, like everyone knows he likes Suzu. XD I got lured by Kentaro to watch this movie, then I found out his screen time's only about 10 minutes (or less). XD And the story's like in a span of a year and the sisters' hair never changed. XD