Nov 03, 2006 00:44
xSpiritxMagex (12:39:23 AM): lol "then maybe i'll skin your face and make a wall hanging out of it? i'll kiss it ever morning."
xSpiritxMagex (12:39:30 AM): *every
StudPud6338 (12:39:34 AM): AHHHHHHHHHH
StudPud6338 (12:39:36 AM): ...
xSpiritxMagex (12:39:36 AM): lol
StudPud6338 (12:39:39 AM): AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
xSpiritxMagex (12:39:41 AM): its on inuyasha
xSpiritxMagex (12:39:55 AM): it was a gay demon talking to some guy
StudPud6338 (12:39:58 AM): if only you could see the look on my face right now
xSpiritxMagex (12:40:03 AM): lmao
StudPud6338 (12:40:16 AM): ewwww
StudPud6338 (12:40:22 AM): SKIN BELONGS ON A PERSON!
xSpiritxMagex (12:40:35 AM): oh fuck i forgot! sorry!
StudPud6338 (12:40:52 AM): *lays in fetal position on bed and cries*
StudPud6338 (12:41:00 AM): she was just trying to shave her legs....
xSpiritxMagex (12:41:09 AM): sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
StudPud6338 (12:41:23 AM): she just wanted to shave her legs like a normal person...
xSpiritxMagex (12:41:41 AM): *points in random direction* look! a unicorn!
StudPud6338 (12:41:52 AM): and then she died like all the rest of them...
StudPud6338 (12:41:58 AM): slowly...painfully...
StudPud6338 (12:42:01 AM): of infection...
StudPud6338 (12:42:18 AM): and jordan lad got her head smashed up by a shovel...
StudPud6338 (12:42:31 AM): just shaving her legs...
StudPud6338 (12:42:42 AM): haha. dude i'm totally kidding i'm fine
xSpiritxMagex (12:43:11 AM): oh thank god
xSpiritxMagex (12:43:19 AM): you totally had me going
StudPud6338 (12:43:26 AM): hahahaha
xSpiritxMagex (12:43:47 AM): i was thinking OH GOD! I'VE KILLED BRIENNE!