Aug 16, 2010 20:55
11:18am Driving. See sign: "Indian Army; Pride of Nation". Drawing of the horn sign, but cant post that here. Army posts are all by the river, Camp is named after the tributary, Bespa, that empties into Satluj. Apparently we will get to see the convergence of Spiti and Satluj rivers (though I never have really seen it). Im enjoying the radio, is it the Emory Dance Team music- Banga is it? The roofs have the salted tile, interesting design. A few nights ago I heard an avalanche, it sounded like thunder. Another sign: "Speeding thrills but kills". The wires hanging from cliff to cliff, across the river- theres a person crossing in the wire basket- looks scary as shit.
Falling asleep, waking up. 12:53pm, hungry, woke up from semi nap. 1:10pm, still no lunch. In the tree shade at Checpoint Spillo b/c we are near the border area, foreigners cant even enter w/o the special permit, guess this means we're about to go into Spiti. There is a shrine up ahead that everyone is going to, but it looks like you have to pay a few ruppees to get in. Another sign: "May I help you? Ever ready to help you". You can hear the river by the shrine, called Sheeb temple. Drew a picture of it in journal..
Pronounce Him-Al-Yas. Him: snow, al-ya: stovehouse/repository. Anum-uh, monkey general of Raman, who was the Vishnu reincarnation, he is known for strength. Svatsari- wisdom, arts, music, she is wife of Brahm. Another sign: "Sorry for; -oohh; -aahh; -ouch; Inconvenience regretted"
2:13pm Stopped b/c of rock blasting, rocks are everywhere. Constants in India: Gravity is an unstoppable force, its process can only be accelerated (like the rocks, or river)
3:02pm "No need for overspeed". The army colors on the poles by the baraks that hold up the barbed wire is Blue Yellow Red. Apparently theres another one past the checkpoint, or ather its a series of baracks. So much army presence here! We have such an easy life that worship becomes optional, its not a necesity to combat, understand, be pacified or harddships in life. Again, the "Radi" song is being played.. forever. Ambuja cement design, paved road is a luxury, we are on a bit of paved road- the 3rd time since Chandigarh in the entire trip. What a frickin luxury.
Right before Lecture #4?, I wandered around Nako and ended up in a Buddhist ceremony!! In someones home!! So awesome. The town is so quiet and peaceful that I felt completely safe wandering around on my own between the two story homes in the narrow alleyways. Its like Im so high right now, its so exhilarating and exciting.
Way too much to describe, but I think these memories I will keep forever, the imagery shant go away.. I hope at least.