Title: How To Fall Off A Pedestal
Characters/Pairing: Rorschach/63!Dan
Rating: Mature, explicit. Het/porn.
Word count: 5260
Summary: Danielle seduces Rorschach. Granted, she doesn't have to try very hard.
He has a disturbing habit of breaking into her house. )
It was too short. He could see her knees. How indecent.
I'm finding it hard to put it into words, but I'll try... the Rorschach you write reacts the way I expect him to, he'd be conventionally-masculine in his responses, what with all his social conditioning, he'd be fully into mars/venus distinctions. And YES AWFUL BOYFRIEND MATERIAL.
Yeah, he seems like such a big believer in social conventions and binaries, I always imagine him as macho to a fault. He's all, 'ME MAN. YOU WO-MAN. RRAAAARRL.' He could get really tiresome, really fast.
I've just reread A Small Death and thinking how much more creepy this makes Rorschach. The little indications here of his wanting to hurt her are already creepy enough, but when you add Little Death... brrr... may have to reassess fullness of glass.
Heh, after finishing this fic, I thought to myself, 'wow, it's not as creepy as I initially intended it to be... but dammit, sometimes I want to write about sex that's semi-happy.' The guy still has issues, but the fic is so Danielle-centric that Rorschach's brain takes a bit of a backseat. (Mind you... I think Rorschach's guilt and self-loathing would far outweigh the actual risk he poses. The 'I thought he was hurting you' line during his childhood flashback in the comic always breaks my heart.)
Anyway, thank you! :D
Edited to fix a quote, because I'm anal-retentive.
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