Title: Last Days of an Unreal City - Chapter 10 - Jus in Bello
Characters: Rorschach/Nite Owl II
Rating: PG-13
Word count (this section): 5406
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Alan Moore.
Summary: AU. The Cold War reaches its ultimate conclusion, and Rorschach and Daniel are among the survivors when the East Coast is attacked.
Many thanks to
runriggers for
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Rorschach canted his head to one side. "Do not."
"It's not obvious. It only really shows when you're angry. You'd have to listen really closely in order to hear it, though."
I imagine Dan would have paid close attention to that, trying to glean as much about his mysterious and secretive partner as he can.
The first time Daniel had seen a human corpse, he had mistaken it for an abandoned shop mannequin
I love that. That actually does happen.
Some asshole had planted a rosebush on the other side of the fence. They endured it stoically.
I laughed at that.
"Was that really necessary?" Daniel asked.
Rorschach shrugged. "He's fine."
"How can you tell?"
Oh Rorschach.
"It does. It will have to be investigated in due time; obviously, I'm very busy, and I'd rather worry about the survivors right now. Any luck finding Hollis?"
Occupational hazard of being a Nice Jewish Boy. Is that a reference to the calendar ( ... )
lol, oh wow, I never even saw that until you mentioned it. (And I'm glad you did!) I'd just been reading about Jewish stereotypes of masculinity because the subject of Jewish nerds came up in this blog post, and I was like, 'oh, Dan fits the nerdy Jewish guy trope, I seeeee.' (I'm Captain Oblivious when it comes to race and religion tropes, sometimes.)
'I'm really enjoying this! I look forward to the time when they find out Adrian is behind Jon leaving.'
Thank you! (Adrian is a minx.)
He is. I envy the way he's able to control all the situations and conversations he finds himself in, how he always puts the focus on the other person.
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