Hi, I'm Scarlet. And you are? :D

Dec 01, 2010 14:05

Hey guys, I'm flattered that I've been receiving friend invitations from various friendly people and I really appreciate it. :D Seriously. BUT. I have kind of have a problem when "random" people would just add me or something. And when I say "random", I meant people who I haven't communicated or chatted with around the communities or my own posts. And so, I just wanna be cautious this time. :)

I'm not saying that I'm not going to take any more invitations, that'll be stupid of me. :D What I'm saying is that as much as possible, please comment first in this entry here or it's the first entry that you're gonna see when you visit my LJ. You know, the first post with Kazuya's picture in it as an FO banner and his eyes are covered? That's right. That post. :D And his eyes are covered for a reason. Because again. This journal is for FRIENDS ONLY when it comes to my personal posts and other rated fics.

Accepting you as my friend means that I'm trusting you with my personal-life posts if you want to read it in the first place. But I think you adding me as my friend would also mean not only friending me for my fics or whatnot but also because of my personal posts as well. :D

BUT. Of course it's also fine if you friend me for the fics and such but I only think that we'd know each other more if we also talk about each other's posts whenever we post about something when it comes to our lives. :) I'm not saying that just because you already friended me or you're gonna friend me doesn't oblige you to read all my personal posts whenever I post one. No. Friend me if you want and I'll gladly friend you back IF AND ONLY IF you told me or commented on this post (or as I've said, the very first post that you will see in my journal).

OR. You may not also comment on the said entry but if you have already told me through my other entries i.e. fan fictions or other entries that I posted to other communities, then it's perfectly fine if you don't comment on my FO entry. :) The main point here is that as long as you already told me BEFORE you're adding me, I'd be gladly accept you at once. OR. You just added me and THEN commented on the entry is perfectly fine too. ^^

What will I do if I haven't commented on the FO entry or I just haven't told you anywhere and just added you?
My answer to that is: I'm sorry, but I won't add you back. :|

I don't know if that's being rude or not but I just want to be cautious with this. :) And don't worry, those who have already added me before that haven't commented yet or told me yet and trust me, you guys are A LOT, doesn't mean I'm gonna cut you from my f-list already. :)) I'm just saying this for those who would like to add me in the future and be their friends. Do this and I would really like to be your frined. :D You may add me because I do lock some of my other fics at times especially when their R rated or something. Haha.

Additional note: The same rule goes here when you're gonna add me in Yahoo! Messenger or MSN Messenger because I'm gonna have a harder time knowing who you are because I know that not all of us have the same username here in LJ and the username in Yahoo! or MSN. I've chatted with lots of great people from LJ and as far as it goes, people are really really nice but please, tell me if you're gonna add me, okay? :D I don't bite. LOL.

You can also comment on my tagbox/guestbook which can be found at the left side of my journal below the userpic on the same side if you want to say "Hi" or something. :D Thanks.

That is all. :)
Thanks. :D
♥ Scarlet (or Marlo - that's my real name. :D)

P.S. Please visit and join jin_kame423 if you can or if you want to. :D I'm maintaining it with akirashock04. Thanks! ^-^♥

i think i just died, this is so not for the faint-hearted, stalling, being critical, i fail in flailing, i'm being indecisive again, rules, being a fangirl should be a crime, friends only, rants, x3, people fail, changes, i have mixed emotions right now, bored, saturdays, -_-;, boredom

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