Dec 31, 2008 13:41


Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 (Part One)


“But I already miss Mommy so much, Uncle Pi. I miss Daddy too! Make them come back,” Yuki choked in his words and continued sobbing. Harder this time. And suddenly, he found it harder to breathe and was quickly gasping for air.

Yamapi panicked and quickly got his inhalator but the younger one was still finding it hard to breathe. So he quickly got his phone and called for an ambulance. He was already sweating really hard because it caught him off guard that Yuki was trying hard to get air.



And suddenly everything went dark.


It’s dark. So dark.
And scary.

I want my Mommy! And Daddy!

Little Yuki ran around in circles desperately trying to find an exit-or anywhere rather-that he could go to and not be left behind in this black place.

“Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?” Yuki continued to shout with his little voice as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He suddenly yelped when he fell and he was still in the dark place.

He sniffled and let the tears from his eyes fall already and sobbed heavily. He lifted up his little fists and continued to cry. “Mommy, Daddy, you’re not going to leave me right? You love Yuki-chan, right? Yuki-chan loves you too!” He sobbed, with soft hiccups here and there.

Yuki. Yuki.

Yuki silenced for awhile as he strained his eyes to look for the voice that has been calling him. A familiar voice, in fact.

Yuki. Yuki!

The voice called again making Yuki stand up with his little legs and wipe his tears.

Why are you crying Yuki, you’re a big boy now, right? Big boys don’t cry. Come on. And that made Yuki stop crying completely as he looked up. From afar, a familiar figure was standing with her arms wide open, smiling happily at Yuki.

“Mom…my?” Yuki sniffed as he ran towards the figure.

The figure continued to smile at him as she waited for Yuki to come closer. “Yes Yuki, it’s me.” She said.

And it was true.
It was Yuki’s mother.
His real mother.

“Hey, Yuki. I told you not to cry, remember?” The mother smiled as she bent down to welcome her son in her embracing arms, who in return, continued to sob in her sobs.

“I missed you, Mommy! Why did you leave Yuki-chan again? You don’t love Yuki-chan anymore? Mommy!” Yuki continued to cry, not wanting to let go of his mother.

Yuki’s mother just smiled at him and let him cry in her arms and waited patiently for her little boy to stop. “Of course I love you, Yuki. I always do, never forget that. I’m so sorry if I left you so early, dear. Mommy was really strong in living for you but her sickness just overpowered her.” Yuki sniffed as he tried to understand the explanation his mother was giving him.

“Is Mommy going back to Yuki-chan then?” the little child pulled away for awhile to look into his mother’s eyes while asking the question, hope evident in his own little eyes. However, this hope immediately faded and his smile turned into a frown when his mother shook her head sadly. “But, why Mommy? I thought you loved Yuki-chan,” He continued to ask.

The woman with long brown wavy hair just patted her son’s soft tresses and looked at him straight in the eyes, her own eyes sparkling. “Listen to Mommy, Yuki. Mommy can’t come back anymore. Someday, you’ll understand why. But always remember that I’m watching you and I’m not far.” She wiped away the tear stains from her son’s cheeks. “But don’t worry, you have another mother that is already taking care of you and will love you so much.” She smiled, knowing full-well about Kazuya.

Yuki’s lips formed into a cute pout and looked at her mother. “But, Kazu-mommy still isn’t going back until now. Even Daddy left. Yuki-chan is alone now.” He said. And his mother managed to stifle a giggle because of her son’s cuteness. “I don’t think your Daddy also left you because he doesn’t love you anymore. I know he’s there getting your Kazu-mommy so just wait patiently, okay? Besides, Daddy’s friends are also being nice to you, right?” She encouraged.

The little child nodded happily when she mentioned about Jin’s friends. “Yuki-chan has playmates now.” He grinned happily.

“That’s good, isn’t it?” His mother smiled as well.

Yuki, Yuki…

Both of them heard another voice calling the little child.

“Kazu-mommy…” Yuki’s eyes widened when he recognized the voice that was calling him from afar. His mother looked at him and smiled. “This is where I leave you now, Yuki.” Yuki was shocked after hearing this. “What? No! Don’t leave Yuki-chan, Mommy!” He panicked but his mother just embraced him again.

“Don’t worry, Yuki. Mommy will always be here watching you. Mommy won’t leave you entirely.” She encouraged her with sweet words.

Yuki! Yuki, it’s me…

Yuki looked up and around again to look for the voice as his mother finally let him go and both of them stood up. Suddenly, he saw a bright shining hole from where they were standing and that’s where they could hear the voice.

“Go on, Yuki.” His mother encouraged.

Yuki looked at her one last time and hugged her. “I’ll miss you, Mommy.” And his mother hugged him back until she slowly fades away. His mother was still there when she saw tears starting to form in his son’s eyes again.

“Don’t cry Yuki, a lot of people are already waiting for you. Just go.” She smiled when her son let go. “Okay, bye Mommy!” He waves as he finally walked towards the white light with his mother watching him go and she fades away as she does.

Yuki, please.

Seriously, explained to me what happened to my son, Yamapi.

The voices became louder and louder as Yuki moved closer and closer to the light. Once he was already close enough, he stepped one last time and felt a big weight letting him pull out of the said door.


“Yuki, please wake up,”

Pairs of eyes gazed unto the kid, watching him, waiting for him to come back to consciousness.

“Kazu…mommy?” Yuki choked as his cute little eyes fluttered open and the first pair of eyes he saw where Kazuya’s.

Kazuya’s eyes widened in shock and he smiled when Yuki finally woke up. “Yuki, you’re finally awake!” He said making everyone else in the room check on the little child. The latter looked around and found his father also there, staring at him. He smiled and looked at his father.

“Daddy, you managed to get… Mommy back here…” Yuki whispered softly, his voice raspy from the lack of water in his body. Kazuya noticed this and grabbed his water bottle and let the child drink it and the latter drinks it until it was already empty.

“Oh God, Yuki, we were so worried about you,” Jin said and hugged his little boy. Yamapi ran outside the room to get a doctor to check on Yuki leaving Kazuya, Jin and Yuki in the room. Ryo, Tatsuya and Junno were already on their way to visit Yuki.

Kazuya smiled at the five-year-old as he rubbed the child’s hair. Yuki looked at him and let go of his Daddy and opened his arms for Kazuya to take him. “Kazu-mommy!” His eyes shined with brightness and life as he looked expectantly at his mother.

The latter took the younger one in his arms and rubbed his back up and down. “I missed you, Mommy,” The child whispered as let himself be engulfed by Kazuya’s warmth. “I missed you too,” Kazuya whispered back.

Jin smiled at the scene that was in front of him and felt comfortable and overwhelmed with it. This is how it should be.

Yamapi finally came back with Yuki’s doctor who was a bit appalled when he saw Yuki sitting up from his bed, already full of life and smiles. “Well, I see somebody’s already up.” The doctor smiled as he advanced towards the kid.

Yuki saw the man in his white uniform and was a bit scared so he hugged Kazuya tighter. “Mommy, who’s that guy?” Kazuya chuckled a bit and said, “That’s your doctor, Yuki. He’s the one who’s been taking care of you, making sure that you’re okay. He’s a nice doctor.”

Doctor? And that was the time Yuki looked around and only realized that he was already in a hospital. “Yuki…in a hospital?” He tilted his head cutely making all the adults chuckle at his cuteness.

“It seems that somebody’s going to get home early. May I request the others except the father to stay. I’m just going to have this little child checked and look at when he can already be discharged.” The doctor smiled making Kazuya and Yamapi leave the room.


“I’m glad you came back, Kazuya,” Yamapi said as they sat on the chairs near to Yuki’s room.

“Yeah,” Kazuya says as he stares at the floor and smiles. “I’m glad it worked out too.”

A silent knock woke Jin up from his sleep making him stand up from his bed and walk lazily to his door. He brushed his hand on his hair trying to fix it but apparently, failed. He was still in his sleepwear when he opened his door and was surprised when different colors blinded his eyes. He rubbed his eyes to try and focus only to see a bouquet of flowers being shoved up his face.

Jin stared at them for awhile and thought. These looks like the ones I gave to Kazuya. But…why?

“Delivery for Mr. Jin Akanishi,” the delivery man said, making Jin look at him.

“Whose this from?” Jin asked as he signed the paper that the delivery man asked him to.

“It’s from a Mr. Kazuya Kamenashi, sir,” the other said making Jin frown deeper than ever.

“I see,” Jin said taking the bouquet from the man’s hands. “Thank you,” and with that, the man left. Jin closed the door and stared at the flowers sadly. “Why’d you give it back, Kazu? Aren’t these good enough?” And suddenly, he felt a rush of pain and anger filling him up, making him throw the flowers violently on the floor.

He didn’t even bother to look at the note that was currently attached to the bouquet. He breathed raggedly as another knock shock his out of his reverie. He tried to compose himself again and opened the door.

“What is it this time? More flowers that Kamenashi is giving back?!” Jin was shocked when he opened the door. He was expecting another delivery man, but he was surprised to see Kazuya standing there, eyes wide as well.

“Jin…I-“ Kazuya started but after Jin’s blowout, he didn’t know what to say. It seems that the older man misunderstood his actions.

The older man’s eyes narrowed at the younger one in front of him and asked, “What are you doing here?”

Kazuya looked at him worriedly and said. “I see you finally received the flowers,” He looked at the direction of the flowers that lie on the floor, already wreck and worn out because of Jin’s actions.

Jin looked away. “Yes, any more flowers you wish to return to me?” He asked coldly. Pain filled the younger man’s eyes. “Jin, I think you’ve misunderstood me.”

“Yeah! I guess I’ve always had!” Jin said but what Kazuya said next made him look back at his company. “Have you even read the note attached to the flowers?”


There was a note attached to them? Why didn’t I notice that? Jin thought as he looked at the flowers again and indeed, there was a little white envelope that was peeking out from under the broken flowers.

“What did you write then?” Jin asked, not wanting to read the letter in case it would break him even more.

Kazuya bit his bottom lip, quite afraid to tell it to him but guessed it would be better to just…show him.

Jin’s eyes widened when he suddenly felt Kazuya lean towards him and kiss him softly on the lips. He was about to close his eyes when he felt the other about to pull away.

Oh, we’re not going to let that happen, are we? Jin thought as he pulled the younger man closer to him, not wanting to let go of this now mutual feeling. This time, it was Kazuya who was shocked but just gave in to the passionate kiss both of them are having.

But suddenly, something from Jin’s pocket vibrated waking them up from their senses and pulling them apart.

Damn! And it was just getting good. What is it, this time? Jin thought pissed at whoever the caller is for breaking his moment with Kazuya.

“I…think you should answer it,” Kazuya said with a lack of breath. Jin nodded and saw who the caller was and answered it.

“What is it, Pi?” He answered, still quite annoyed.

“Jin, it’s Yuki…”

And that’s how they ended up in the hospital. It didn’t take much of Jin’s willpower to take Kazuya with him since now, they can already be together.

“Hey, how’s Yuki doing?” Tatsuya asked when they finally got there along with Ryo and Junno.

“He just woke up,” Kazuya announced smiling and everyone else was relieved.


A man was smiling, tapping his fingers on his table while looking at a picture that was currently on his hand.

“Uh, Matsumoto-san, the ones that you ordered are finally here,” his secretary said. Jun looked up at his secretary and said, “Thank you, you may now leave.”

The secretary noticed that his boss was currently distracting himself with a picture. “Matsumoto-san, what are you staring at?” He asked, amused. Jun looked up again and showed him the picture.

“Eh? Isn’t that the father of the child that was here because of a fight before?” Jun nodded, the secretary was currently referring to Jin Akanishi in the picture. It was a group picture actually. “Hey, the one on his right looks familiar, but I can’t just put my finger in it.” Jun chuckled.

“Let it be. Now go, I still have some work to do.”

“Yes sir,” And the secretary left.

Jun smirked. The one on the right of Jin in the picture was actually Kazuya, when they were in High School. That’s the way how Jun knew that Kazuya was actually a man and not a woman since well, he was their senior on the same High School.

Those freaks. They can’t even remember their own senior!

And he was even one of those people who gave Kazuya a love letter but was ignored because the younger one’s heart belongs to Jin but Jun has already accepted that fact.

And I thought even Kazuya would remember me.

Oh well. I’m glad they’re already together.

He finally relaxed back into his chair and did his work.


The next day, Yuki was finally discharged from the hospital and Kazuya was the one who came to pick them up since Jin was slept overnight to stay with his son.

“Daddy, before I woke up yesterday, I saw Mommy…” Yuki started while his father was dressing him up. Kazuya was around fixing their things.

“Oh, was your Kazu-mommy pretty in your dream?” Jin winked at Kazuya’s direction who just rolled his eyes but still managed to chuckle a bit.

Yuki shook his head. “I didn’t see Kazu-mommy in my dream. I really saw my Mommy. She was there. She was saying sorry.” Jin stopped in his actions and looked at his son who was currently talking about Jin’s late wife.

“Oh, I see. So what did Mommy tell you?” Jin asks as he finished dressing up Yuki. “Mommy said that she loves me and that she will always be watching me from afar. And that Kazu-mommy would really be a great Mommy to Yuki-chan and a great companion to Daddy!” Yuki exclaimed happily, making Jin ruffle his son’s hair.

“That’s true. Now come on, you can’t wait to get home right?” Jin asks and Yuki nodded. “Let’s go, Mommy! And now I know you’ll be my Mommy, forever and ever!” He cheered cutely making Kazuya laugh and nod.

“I guess so,” Kazuya said as he took the welcoming hand from Yuki while Jin held Yuki’s other hand and together they exited the room then the hospital.


Back at home, Yamapi and the others were preparing for a homecoming party for both Yuki and Kazuya. When the family finally entered the mansion, Yuki cheered in happiness when he saw all the balloons and banners for him and for his mother.

“Welcome home, Yuki and Kazuya!” Yamapi, Junno, Ryo and Tatsuya cheered with confetti and such.

Yuki ran up to the adults who suddenly carried him and played with him, looking like he wasn’t sick at all. Kazuya smiled, missing all these and quite regretted leaving in the first place. He looked at Yuki happily and mirrored the happiness the child had in his face.

Suddenly, Kazuya felt an arm wrap around his waist and turned to see Jin’s face already inches away from his. He suddenly felt his face heat up from the close distance that they were having making Jin smirk.

“You’re still not saying it.” Jin whispered, staring deeply in his new lover’s eyes.

“Saying what?” Kazuya raised a brow, really not knowing what the other one was talking about.

“What you really feel and why you really did this,” And Jin kissed him fully on the lips, surprising the other but felt at ease when he did.

The others stopped playing with Yuki who was also staring at his ‘parents’ when they kissed and all of them cheered. “Finally! You guys have finally got together ever since High School!” Tatsuya said and everyone else agreed.

“Mommy and Daddy really love each other!” Yuki exclaimed.

Both of them pulled apart and smiled at each other. “Well, I guess Yuki already said it better than me,” Kazuya said, still in Jin’s arms.

“Nothing’s better when you say it yourself,” Jin said, kissing the tip of Kazuya’s nose making the other chuckle.

“Alright fine,” Jin waited; staring at Kazuya’s loving face.

“I love you,” And that made Jin beam making him kiss Kazuya again after saying, “I love you too,”



“Daddy! Look! I found Mommy!” an excited Yuki came running back to his father dragging along another person who is now, not dumbfounded and surprised, but happy and laughing.

Jin turned to his running son and beamed when he saw the latter dragging Kazuya’s hand with his. They were currently playing ‘Hide & Seek’ around the park and Kazuya was hiding behind a tree.

“See, Daddy? I found Mommy! I knew we would find her here!” Yuki excitedly chattered. And both Kazuya and Jin laughed as they sat down for a picnic. “Then that means Daddy’s it this time since I saw him first!” He added and Jin just nodded.

“But before that, we should eat something first. Come on, Yuki,” Kazuya said as he prepared their lunch.

“Aww, can’t we play a little longer for awhile?” Yuki pouted but Jin just looked at him and said, “Yuki, listen to your…mother,” He chuckled, still not getting used to that. And suddenly, he felt a slice of pickle flying towards him but dodged it at once. He looked at the attacker and laughed louder.

“I told you to not call me that,” Kazuya warned and pouted. “Oh yeah? You can’t stop me!” Jin said and sent Kazuya a look the other knew all too well.

“Uh oh…” Kazuya said as he finally stood up and ran as fast as he can when Jin also stood up and ran after him.

“…I thought that we can’t play a longer to each lunch first?” Yuki tilted his head until he felt a ruffle on his hair again followed by a laugh.

“Don’t worry about those two, Yuki. Come on and let’s just eat and leave them nothing,” It was Yamapi who was already laughing hard and sat down beside the kid.

“Yeah, let’s leave them for awhile. They have a lot of catching up to do and besides, this feels like High School all over again,” Ryo grinned as he came with Tatsuya who nodded in agreement.

“Only this time, there’s a real kid involved and those two are really together.” Junno followed and sat with the others as well leaving Kazuya and Jin run around the park.

I’m home.



Author’s Notes:
FINALLY. I’m done! :D OMG. I can’t believe this story was written in NINE WHOLE MONTHS. Damn. I’m so slow in writing. ((: I’m sorry. Haha.

So, did you like my story? :D I managed to catch up with my own deadline of having to finish this before the year ends. And I did! YAY. :)

Thanks for everyone who has been keeping up with my story and who were all patient enough to wait for this to update again and again. Thank you for those who have been commenting and reading and everything. :D I managed to make some friends around too, thanks guys! ^^

Oh and if you noticed, the Epilogue was also like Chapter One with Yuki dragging Kazuya with him. :D I don’t know. I just felt like doing it since it amused me. LOL. Okay, now I’m not making any sense.

I’m glad you enjoyed reading my story. :)

And now I have other multi-chaptered fics to finish so I hope you guys also watch for those. :D It’s already a new year and I have more new fics to come. ^^

And of course.


group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, i think i just died, holidays, i fail in flailing, i'm being indecisive again, fic: okaasan?, being a fangirl should be a crime, pairing: ryoda, fanfic: multichapter, fic, x3, i have mixed emotions right now, bored, -_-;, boredom

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