Fic: Okaasan? (Chapter 15 - PART ONE)

Dec 13, 2008 09:18


Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14


“Yuki may get over you but I’m sure I can’t,” Jin whispered low as he slowly placed his mug down.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” Kazuya’s voice was low and his heart was already pumping fast when he saw Jin finally leaning over the table.

“Maybe all I’m trying to say is that…” Jin leaned in closer until their faces were inches apart. “…I love you, Kazuya.” And he captured the younger one’s lips in a chaste kiss.

Kazuya’s eyes widened in shock when this sudden move from Jin happened. Their lips were still locked when the younger noticed the great fierce present in the older one’s eyes. His heart began to beat faster than ever and he didn’t know how to react. He stayed still and waited for Jin to pull away and eventually he did.

Jin pulled away while looking into Kazuya’s eyes-searching for anything except regret, denial or sadness. Fortunately he wasn’t able to find any of those but instead he found Kazuya very unreadable and now he can’t decipher what his next move would be.

He sat back down his seat and just looked down waiting for anything-anything from the younger man and he would gladly accept it. But the problem was, Kazuya wasn’t saying or doing anything and that scared him a bit.

Finally Kazuya stood up and excused himself and went for the bathroom. This time, Jin was the one who wasn’t moving and was still in his position. What would he do now? He just made the atmosphere more awkward than it was awhile ago when he didn’t make any move. He ran one of his hands through his hair and cursed under his breath.


Kazuya locked the door of his bathroom and leaned against the door. He then walked across the room and looked at his reflection in the mirror and unconsciously touched his lips that were just kissed. He can still feel the soft, warm feeling it had to it when their lips touched especially after Jin himself confessed his love for him.

Now his mind was really feeling heavy. After everything that happened, who ever thought that Jin would fall for him…too? Kazuya liked him ever since they were young but he never thought that he would actually fall for the other person. He never even thought that it was possible especially when they just consider both of them as just good friends and that’s it.

He sighed as he bit his bottom lip, not knowing what to do.

What should I do now? I don’t know what to say to him. And now… I just left him there. Damn.

He suddenly heard a door open and close and assumed that Jin had already left. This involuntarily made him frown, slightly hurt of the way Jin reacted with the way he reacted to what Jin just did.

Kazuya sighed heavily as he washed his face to at least wake up to reality and went outside the bathroom finally. He was disappointed when he found no one in the dining room but he saw the table already cleared up with what they ate awhile ago. He bit his lip as he went straight to his bedroom.


Tell me when you’re ready to come back. I’m not leaving Osaka until you come back with me. I’ll be waiting, love.

P.S. I’ll send you a map of where I live just in case.

His eyes furrowed in a mixture of confusion and slight anger because of the text message he just received from Jin. Just because he finally confessed and knew where he was living, doesn’t mean he can forcefully take him away just like that…can he?

I’ll be waiting, love.

What the hell is he trying to play now? Ugh. Kazuya ran one of his hands through his hair and decided to think of this thoroughly. He still wasn’t sure if he wanted to do this but what was his motive?

But you love him.

Great. Now his conscience was playing at him. He groaned as he plopped down his bed to try and relax his head for the moment.


“Pi! What should I do? I just freaking confessed to him and I didn’t know what to do after he ran to his bathroom so I just left his apartment and-“

“Whoa, whoa. Easy there. Look, are you sure that’s what all he did? No verbal reaction or anything?” Yamapi asked while watching the still-sick asleep Yuki. “Well, he just excused himself and then he went to the bathroom. What should I do, Pi?” Jin whined.

“I don’t even know why the hell you are whining at me for,”

“But you’re my friend,” Jin said childishly making Yamapi sigh at the other end. “Jin, it’s time to be serious now, don’t you think? Now tell me, did you tell him something before or after you left his apartment?”

“Yes.” And Jin told him the text message that he sent to Kazuya after leaving the apartment this morning.

“Hmm…I think I now know a way for you to get him. You can’t just forcefully take him out of there and send him back here, right?”

“Really? What? Tell me!” Jin asked excitedly. Now that he finally found his Kazuya, he’s not going to let him go now. He’s been part of his life ever since they met and he’s not willing to let him go again.

“Why don’t you court him? Make him feel that you really love him and who knows, maybe he loves you back.” Although that is already true in the present…I think. Yamapi added in his mind.

“Court him? Are you serious?”

“Of course I am! You’re the only one who’s not serious here, Bakanishi.”

“Alright, alright. But how am I going to do that?” Jin asked.

“I don’t know. Be creative. You’re the one who knows Kazuya by heart so don’t ask me.”

“Okay fine. My goal is to be back next week with Kazuya. Wish me luck!”


Ever since Jin made that decision (with the help of Yamapi once in awhile), Kazuya has been receiving these bouquets of flowers of different colors with a note attached to it every time. At first he was quite dumbfounded with who sent the flowers but once he sees the notes, he finally realized that it was from Jin Akanishi.

It only takes one step at a time.

As days pass, the bouquets become bigger and bigger and every time he receives one, he would also get a text message from Jin saying. I hope you like them. This is one of my ways of showing my love for you. ♥

And somehow, every time Kazuya reads those cheesy lines from Jin, he can always feel himself smile and blush because who knew Jin would be this sweet? No matter how stupid and maybe a bit childish Jin may be sometimes, there is still a part of him that would make Kazuya feel comfortable around him and now that he’s being this sweet, he [Kazuya] can’t help but fall deeper for the older man.

And somehow, he felt like they’re in High School again - being childish and all, minus the confession and the flowers though.

The thought of this made him smile wider as he walked across the room to get a vase for the fresh flowers.


“Pi, I’m starting to panic! Kazuya isn’t saying anything every time I send him those flowers! It’s like he’s ignoring everything I do for him. Pi~” Jin whined over the phone making Yamapi sigh again. Clearly, Jin was acting the way he was during their High School days.

“Hey, hey. I heard someone gave Kazuya another love letter, Jin. I wonder whose it from this time,” Ryo asked one day.

“Oh. So how’d Kazu react then?” Jin asked while sipping some of his soda. They [Jin and Kazuya] weren’t together during that time because Kazuya had some duties he had to do.

“They say that Kazuya was really happy and perky after reading that message,” Ryo says.

“WHAT.” Unconsciously, Jin’s eyes widened and had a great outburst after that, almost spitting his soda from the mouth to Yamapi who was just standing there, eating.

“Hey! Do you mind? I’m eating here!” Yamapi complained but Jin just ignored him.

Ryo then asked. “So what are you going to do about it, Jin? You don’t need to get so flustered up about it. He’s your friend and I’m sure he’s gonna tell you if he’s going to date someone or even accept that letter, right?”

Jin pondered for a moment. “I know! I’m going to send him a letter as well and we’ll see how he reacts to that. Oh, I’m such a genius!”

“…Since when?” Yamapi retorted only to be ignored again.

“Make it an anonymous letter,” Ryo grinned.

“What for?” Jin asked confused.

“Just for fun.”

Days after they gave an “anonymous” love letter to Kazuya, the latter just stared at it blankly and threw it away. Jin was slightly hurt when he saw that scene and he walked away, rejected. But that didn’t give him enough motivation to give up.

“Pi! Kazu just threw my letter away! How could he throw my letter away? He just can’t! I’m his best friend! I’m the Jin Akanishi! Pi~!” Jin whined again and again over to Yamapi who seem to be the one ignoring him this time.

“Maybe because you’re a guy?”

Or maybe he wasn’t ignoring him after all.

“But that’s not an excuse! A lot of guys have been sending him love letters and I never see him throw them away before!” Jin continued to complain while he clung unto Yamapi endlessly.

What they didn’t know was that Kazuya didn’t really throw the letter away. Only the envelope that had it sealed plus the other letter he received from a senior that morning. He knew the latest letter was from Jin since it was completely obvious from his handwriting and he’s the only person who calls him ‘Kazu’ and draws a turtle beside it.

That memory made Yamapi cringe on how clingy Jin really was when it comes to Kazuya.

“Jin, in desperate times like this, we should already call someone who knows Kazuya well,” He said.

“But I already know Kazuya well!” Jin pouted.

“If you knew him well, you wouldn’t be here whining to me about it.” And that made Jin shut up. “So, who do you prefer then?” Jin asked.

Yamapi just smirked for that and he knew exactly who to call.


“What now, Kazuya?” Ueda sighed as he was listening to the younger man flail about his all-time love, Jin Akanishi.

What’s going on now?

“I got another set of flowers from Jin,” Kazuya grinned as he told the story to Ueda. Okay, Ueda thought, this is just like last time.

After receiving the letter from Jin, Kazuya ran up excitedly to his close friend, Ueda.

“Tat-chan! Tat-chan!” Kazuya called in glee while holding the letter tightly in his hands. Ueda looked up from his book to see his friend running up to him with a big smile in his face. And usually that means only one thing: Jin.

Ueda, being Ueda and a good friend, just smiled with him and asked. “What is it?” Though asking wasn’t really necessary though.

“Look, look!” Kazuya gestured to the letter in his hands. “Can you guess who’s this from?”

Ueda just smirked and tried to play along. “I don’t know. Who?”

“Jin, of course! Well, I can’t really somehow tell since in the end are a bunch of scribbles and suddenly the penmanship change so I’m having doubts.” Kazuya thought sadly as he stared at the piece of paper again.

“Let me see then,” Ueda asked as he opened his palm to let Kazuya put the letter there. The older man scanned the paper and once he found the one that Kazuya was describing, he smirked inwardly.

Yamapi and Ryo’s handwritings are here as well. No wonder he doubts this letter. Ueda thought as he folds the piece of paper again.

“Well? What do you think?” Kazuya asked, eyes wide opened to his friend.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you just ask Jin himself? You were right. This paper has different writings on them. Maybe someone’s just pulling a prank on you or something,” Ueda suggested.

Kazuya sighed in disappointed. “I guess so. Maybe I just got too carried away. I mean, come on, as if Jin would like someone like me. Maybe I should just forget about this.” He said as he placed the paper in his back pocket.

“You can still ask Jin to confirm it though. What if he really wrote it?”

Kazuya shook his head. “No. It’d only make me look desperate or something. It might change something between us and I don’t want that, Tat-chan.”

His friend just patted his shoulder and continued reading his book.

“You love him, right?” Ueda asked.

This made Kazuya suddenly stop and bite his bottom lip. “Y-Yes…” He murmured after a short while.

“Tell him then,” Ueda said plainly, like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “I suppose you want to go back here, right? Everyone misses you. You should’ve seen Yuki’s condition.”

“I know, Jin already explained it to me. But, I’m not sure Tat-chan. If ever I make a decision, I know there’s no turning back. I don’t want to make any mistakes again.” Kazuya sighed.

“Hey, I don’t think coming back is a mistake. You just ran away without saying goodbye to them properly. Yuki was in so much shock that it hit him real hard. I don’t know how Jin took it though but by the way I see him always having some guys to look for you, he seemed desperate and miserable already.” Ueda sighed. “Seriously, what have you done to the Akanishis?” This made Kazuya stifle a laugh.

“I’ll think about it, Tat-chan. And thanks,” Kazuya said and they both hung up.

Knowing Kazuya, when it comes to love-and Jin-he would always consider the “right” thing for him and especially for others.

There. I already talked him to it, Yamapi. I hope you’re happy. Ueda thought. Yamapi happens to call him awhile ago asking for help to bring Kazuya back or help Jin to get Kazuya.

Ueda rubbed his temples as he fell down the bed beside Ryo.

“Was that Kazuya again?” Ryo asked sleepily, pulling the other closer to him.

Ueda nodded against the other’s neck and mumbled a slight “Mhm”. “Both of them are just so stubborn. Why can’t they just be together now? They’re even pulling me into it.” He complained making his lover laugh.

“Relax Princess,” Ryo said as he rubbed Ueda’s back up and down. And both of them fell into a sweet slumber.


Yuki woke up tiredly from his sleep as he scanned the room to find no one in there. He rubbed his eyes as he got hold of his teddy bear and slowly went down from his bed. He opened his bedroom door and look for the closest person he had in his life.

“Uncle Pi!” He called with his little voice. His voice was still a bit raspy from his sickness but he seems to be a bit better than before. He waited for awhile and found no response. He frowned and tried again.

Finally, Yamapi heard his call and quickly rushed to the young one and carried him swiftly in his arms. “Yuki, are you alright?” He asked.

The little kid just wrapped his arms around the older man’s neck and silently sobbed. “Is Daddy back yet with Mommy?” He asked.

Yamapi patted Yuki’s back gently and reassured him. “Don’t worry, he will. Mommy will come back soon so don’t worry, okay?”

“But I already miss Mommy so much, Uncle Pi. I miss Daddy too! Make them come back,” Yuki choked in his words and continued sobbing. Harder this time. And suddenly, he found it harder to breathe and was quickly gasping for air.

Yamapi panicked and quickly got his inhalator but the younger one was still finding it hard to breathe. So he quickly got his phone and called for an ambulance. He was already sweating really hard because it caught him off guard that Yuki was trying hard to get air.



And suddenly everything went dark.


Author’s Notes:
That was only Part 1 of this chapter. I’d end it already but it seemed that it was already so long so I had to stop there. Ahem.

*gets thrown by flying tomatoes*


Okay, I’m sorry for doing that to Yuki! Please don’t kill me! D:But hey, I promise that it’ll be really a happy theme for the next and final part of this chapter. (: I’m really sorry for updating this late because I have to catch up to school and stuff. Maybe by next week this will already end so I really hope you guys continue to be patient. :P:)

Oh and by the way, I saw this video in Youtube where Japanese Girls talk about Akame in a show. ((: It really made my morning because they were just so imaginative and the hosts were already finding it weird or something. Haha. I’m not really sure though.

Can someone translate what they were saying for me? (: I’d love you so much if you do!

What I can only understand from there is when one of the girls said that for example, Jin will wipe cream of Kame’s mouth and then the group of girls suddenly squealed. I WANT MORE TRANSLATIONS. =)) THANKYOU.

pairing: akame, i think i just died, weekends, this is so not for the faint-hearted, stalling, i fail in flailing, i'm being indecisive again, let the hotness begin, school, fic: okaasan?, being a fangirl should be a crime, pairing: ryoda, x3, fanfic: multichapter, fic, people fail, kazuya kamenashi is love, i have mixed emotions right now, bored, saturdays, -_-;, boredom

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