
Mar 23, 2011 11:09

So uh, yesterday I had a blood donor appointment that I almost neglected, so I zipped over there after picking up my siblings from school and I got there right on the dot. I filled in the health information they always ask for and got corralled into the corner where one of the blood technicians reviews your information and takes a blood test to verify if you're an acceptable candidate for giving blood. I never had any problems before, but... this time, two tests and no luck; I wasn't in the right position! My hemoglobin count was too low.

The average level for an adult female is 12-14. I asked him what my level was and he told me it was below ten. I gave him headlight eyes and asked what it was exactly and he said he didn't know because it was too low to detect. So with no healthy blood to donate, I had no choice but to give in and leave the center. There are these nice old ladies there who give out the snacks and juice and I told them what happened, and... when I told them that it was under 10, they were visibly shocked and said "oh, that's too low! You really should see a doctor about that." So... I don't know if it's a real issue or not and if I should be concerned. Should I see a doctor? I'm trying to eat foods rich in iron, like eggs. We don't have much in our house besides eggs. I'm not a big fan of red meat, which my mom keeps suggesting... hhhh. Foods with vitamin B12 should up the hemoglobin, too, as well as foods with folic acid in them. That's what I researched. Luckily eggs have B12 and iron! I ate some for breakfast. My chickens totally have me covered. And you know... maybe a nutritional deficiency is what's making me unmotivated and depressed lately (this week I don't feel so bad though!), as well as lightheaded and lethargic. You never know! Things to think about!

Oranges! They have folic acid and iron. I should see about getting some. Asparagus looks high on the marks, too. I really like asparagus... Though what's weird is that some of the foods on the list of iron-rich foods that mommy Shocky gave me yesterday can also... inhibit the absorption of iron! D: So... no spinach for me, I guess. Bummer. But best of all, fish earned really high marks and I love seafood. :)c I'm in the mood for something with octopus in it. What? "ew angela that's grose central why would you even eat a tentacle" NO NO try octopus before you judge me. BU

TL;DR for those who don't want to read all that: I'm anemic!

Ahhh, next week I go back to school after a long break! Am I ready? I'd better enjoy what freedom I have left before I go back. Then again, I could use some schooling jfnjkf it is getting a little tiring being at home all the time. Only thing I don't look forward to is doing papers. B| Papers: bane of my college experience. Another concern of mine is internet explorer is basically broken on my laptop and I need it for my Spanish class because the website is stubborn and requires internet explorer only, nothing else allowed. Hmm. I wonder what made it refuse to run at all.

*stares at SBG* Where all my main brawlers at? YOU'RE... LEAVING...
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