Feb 10, 2009 16:32
Well there is a Warrant out for me yet again... I couldn't go to traffic court for a misdemeanor today becuase When I woke up the anxiety about it was so bad My TS was through the roof. I was twitching and stuttering and crippled with the urge to puke or die.
I couldn't get a continuance over the phone and by the time I calmed down enough to even call them it was too late (Prolly woulda been fine If I wasn't on hold for 2 hours). They issued a warrant for failure to appear... which set me off again... When I finally got my shit together I faxed the Judge a Letter asking him to give me a continuance or to allow me to plead guilty in absentia and just pay the fucking fine. They'll probably offer me jail as an alternative WEEEE. Thats the price of procrastination in America... If you don't go through all their annual bullshit they will take your money or lock you up. Becuase your life really isn't yours. You were born to produce and consume and keep them in power. Vote for Progress, Vote For Chains. Progress towards Slavery and Brainwashing.
So On this Day I was born and on this day I am once again a wanted Man.
I declare as part of my campaign for office My platform will be to do away with Drivers Licensing and Vehicle Inspections and Property Tax for vehicle ownership. A lot of fat will have to be trimmed from the budget with these losses in Revenue But I have no problem with that. The less often the government requires me to give up hours of my day to stand in some fucking line to get permission to use the roads our taxes pay for the better off things will be.
besides that My party is tonight... Pictures Soon.