
Apr 10, 2010 08:57

[ Player Name ] : Crystal
[ Personal LJ ] : crystalreport
[ Age ] : 18
[ Timezone ] : EST

[ Character's Name ] : Anthony J. Crowley
[ Character's Age ] : Over 6000 years old but looks around his late 20s
[ Series ] : Good Omens
[ Canon Point ] :Way after the end of the book- from today's current time

[ History ] :

In the beginning, there was Adam and Eve. They both lived in a beautiful place called the Garden of Eden, which contained wonders of all kinds, as well as the Tree of Forbidden Knowledge.

A snake named Crawly was ordered by the King of Darkness to tempt the two human beings to eat the Forbidden Fruit of the tree.

And Crawly did so. He still thinks to this day that God overreacted a bit to what he had done.

Anyways, not soon after, he met an angel named Aziraphale who had lent his flaming sword to Adam and Eve to keep them warm on cold nights. They struck up a conversation about what had just happened, and Crawly believed that what he had done was a GOOD thing. Being an angel, Aziraphale disagreed.

Also, at that point, Crawly decided to change his name to Crowley, because Crawly just didn’t suit him.

Fast forward to 1996. Crowley lived on Earth ever since that fateful day, and spent most of his time finding new ways to tempt human beings and generally spread evil. Though, he really couldn’t do much because human beings could tempt themselves through ways even he couldn’t come up with. He still kept up relationships with the angel Aziraphale- even though they were technically enemies, good vs. evil and all, they found that they really had much in common.

Crowley then got the word from his boss, the Ultimate Evil, that the Antichrist was born and that Crowley had the job of keeping an eye on him and making sure he would make the world end by the time he developed all his powers. He also had to travel to a local nunnery and switch off the Prince of Darkness so he would be raised by normal parents.

Okay, said Crowley. Sure, I’ll do it.

He headed over to the hospital run by nuns, gave them the child to switch up with another family, and proceeded to try to tempt the boy through subtle ways as he grew up with his ordinary family. Though, deep down in his inky black heart, he really wanted the boy to be good. He had grown to, dare he even say it, like humanity and all it had to offer. He wasn’t so keen on watching it all end.

But a job was a job, and by the boy’s eleventh birthday, Crowley was ready to see him develop all his powers and destroy the world, just as planned.

Except the real Antichrist was not the boy he had been watching over. In fact, the boy he had been trying to tempt was, in fact, a perfectly ordinary eleven-year old. Apparently the nuns at the hospital had switched the babies up too many times by accident, and therefore the Antichrist had been given to an ordinary family and had not been subject to influences of any kind from Heaven or Hell.

With the Apocalypse occurring in several days, Crowley had to act fast. He joined forces with his friend Aziraphale and they went off together to find the real Antichrist and stop Armageddon before it happened. It didn’t particularly help that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had started to gather and were prepared to make their way towards the Prince of Darkness and end the world with him.

So, through a series of circumstances involving a flaming Bentley, a curious book of prophecies that was completely accurate, a witch hunter, angelic possession, a burning library, and the nature of ducks when they’re fed by secret agents, our two main characters finally found the eleven-year old boy named Adam who was destined to bring on the end of the world.

But Adam decided not to end the world. He defeated the Four Horsemen with the help of his grade school friends, and both Lucifer and the Man Upstairs both realized that Adam was too human. He wasn’t good, and he wasn’t evil. Confused with this predicament, the two powerful entities held off the Apocalypse. Even when Lucifer himself tried to do it himself, Adam stopp[ed him with his powers and returned everything back to the way it was, with a few changes.

So, Crowley and Aziraphale saw Earth live another day. And many more after that. They’ve been living on Earth ever since, and Crowley has enjoyed his time coming up with more ways to tempt people to evil by creating things such as the concept of Googling one’s self. He’s not quite the demon he was before, but he’s still got it in him to do evil things for the Man Downstairs.

That is, until one day when he realizes that he isn’t on Earth anymore, but in a place called Vatheon.

Just a note: In prose, I’ll be trying to emulate the style of the book. For that, I’ll have to create new elements which are not necessarily stated in the canon but are close to what the character would do. I’m not trying to forego canon-I just want to add onto it a bit.

[ Personality ] :

Crowley at first seems like what most people think a demon is like; he’s evil, he’s vain, he spends too much time sleeping, and he listens to the band Queen. On top of that, he’s cunning, sarcastic, and loves to tinker with human lives. But really, on the inside, Crowley doesn’t see himself as evil or good. He sees his position as a demon as one that’s unlikable but someone has to do it anyways. Of course, he loves it when he comes up with new ways to tempt many people at once- for example, he came up with the iPod- but as said before, he believes that humans practically do his job for him without his interference.

Also, over the many numbers of years he has been living on Earth, Crowley has come to like humanity, He also spends a lot more time thinking than most of his other demon cohorts, and likes to say his opinions on the nature of Life, the Universe, and Everything. He believes that there isn’t really a textbook definition of what’s good and what’s evil. He also believes that Heaven is not necessarily good, and Hell is not necessarily bad. He hates the bureaucratic way his superiors back in the Place Below consider him and really mistrusts his cohorts. He also doesn’t like Heaven, and the only angel he can tolerate is Aziraphale, who is technically not the kindest angel on the planet.

Crowley adores modern technology, and enjoys using it against human beings. He also loves cars and has a rather interesting hobby in which he grows gorgeous plants by threatening them. He is up to date with all the latest inventions and slang and doesn’t really appreciate anyone who is stuck in the past. In front of other humans, he acts very cool and collected, and rarely gets angry, due to the fact that he is actually an optimist. But when he’s angry, you’d better watch out, because he’ll show the more demonic side of him. Basically, No More Mr. Nice Guy.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

Crowley is really powerful. And I mean really. For example:
-he can materialize clothes at will
-he can change himself into various forms
-he can hypnotize people with a snap of his fingers
-he can perform miracles since he was an angel before
-he can make dents in metal disappear by just glaring at them
-he can withstand fire and walk through it without any physical damage
-he can read the desires of others telepathically
-etc, etc. -Here's a complete list.
But, he doesn’t use his powers in front of human beings unless he absolutely has to. He also is sort of immortal, with a few restrictions.
He’s an optimist, so he can see the best side of a situation and use it to his advantage. He knows his ways around most obstacles, mental and physical, and can calmly get around them without much fuss. Lying is practically a natural talent to him. He also knows the inner workings of human beings pretty well, and can tinker with other people’s minds pretty easily.

That is, if they do not tinker with his. Crowley is just as susceptible to tricks and lies if he doesn’t watch himself- remember, nuns tricked him (by accident) into believing the boy he was watching over was the Antichrist. He dislikes authority immensely, and even greets his superiors with an informal “Hi” when they meet. He likes humanity too much, and therefore won’t go as far to destroy everyone in the world. (Yes, to him, this is a weakness.) He also can be very sarcastic and cold if he wants to be, which is about 99% of the time. His mortal weakness is holy water, and although he’s immortal, his human body can get killed. Though, he’s rather proud of it so he will do all he can to keep it alive. Besides, he would have to give a lengthy explanation to his superiors if that ever happened.

[ Other Important Facts ] :

-Crowley actually has a pair of black wings, but only reveals them when he’s really down to the wire. They’re more well-groomed than an angel’s, might I add.
-Crowley always wears his shades. Always. Because his eyes aren’t exactly normal-they’re yellow snake eyes, basically. It’s questioned whether he always keeps them like that or at least changes them so he can go out in public like a normal human being. Who knows.
-He also tends to hiss when he gets very emotional.
-He can also do weird things with his tongue. No, that doesn’t have any other connotations, be quiet.
-In the book, it is said that angels are sexless. Since Crowley was once an angel, we can assume he’s sexless as well. Though, for game purposes, he’s male.
-Crowley can’t get wet. I mean, in canon, he stands in the pouring rain and remains completely dry. So, I wouldn’t expect him to be wet when he arrives.
-Since Crowley knows what’s up to date and watches TV and movies (he actually came up with most of the TV shows airing), he could potentially break the fourth wall with your characters. But I won’t do it unless you ask me to.

-Crowley is British.Well, not in the way you would expect. But he lives in a stylish flat in London and lives there, so he is "technically" from the land of tea time and crumpets.

[ Sample ] :

Well, wasn’t this an interesting predicament.

Crowley sat on the edge of a building and pondered. He knew that most of his cohorts in evil would have said that pondering was for wusses. Well, that’s the way he rolled. Besides, educated people would have said that he looked like the perfect model of The Thinker of Rodin if they ever saw him. (Crowley had actually given Rodin the idea for the sculpture, but at the last minute the man had chosen that muscular guy as a model. Crowley had never quite gotten over it, and Rodin had found that he couldn’t finish the entire sculpture. He deserved it, really.)

Anyways, this place wasn’t really Earth at all. Was this some sort of punishment for the things he had done back in 1990, with the whole Apocalypse thing? He had thought the whole thing was over and done with. Sure, he had gotten a few warnings and a couple slaps on the wrist for trying to interfere with the Almighty Battle between Heaven and Hell, but he hadn’t seen this coming at all.

Crowley sighed. Just when he was doing so well. He had been working on proliferating 3D movies throughout the world, and it really had done its job at tempting thousands, no, millions of people. Avatar was only the beginning, and he had been so excited to see the results of what he had sown. But now, he was stuck in this watery dump of a place and he couldn’t even find a nearby movie theater. It was all quite irritating.

The demon ran a thin hand through his black hair and frowned. He needed to contact his bosses down in the Underworld to find out what was going on. If he really was stuck in this place with nowhere to go, all Hell would break loose. And he meant that quite literally, though it really would be him breaking loose, not Hell itself. Whatever. It was the closest expression he could use to get the gist of the confusion and annoyance that was coursing through him at the moment.

application, ooc

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