10: The hunt is on

Jan 07, 2011 09:43

[The SFC comes on, and Crowley looks a lot more serious than usual.]

...A few days ago, as you might have heard, a man named Aziraphale was kidnapped from his home by a man named Enjin. Right now, we have no whereabouts where he is, but before you lot go and do a search party, I have to give you a few warnings.

First of all, what Enjin looks like- well, he's a catboy. I mean, he has glasses, this really tacky fur coat, and these two cat ears on his head. And most of the time he looks incredibly smug. But don't let his ridiculous appearance make you think that he's not hostile.

Enjin is dangerous. Don't think that your mighty magical powers or prowess in fighting will be able to defeat him. He can read your mind like a book, and even cast illusions to make himself seem like he's your friend. Overall, he's not easy to beat, so don't go rushing onwards like chickens with your heads cut off, because it will not help you.

Akina Hiizumi knows about the guy- ask him if you have any questions.

Let's get Aziraphale back where he belongs.

Stay where you are and don't go outside unless you have somebody else with you. He came for Aziraphale first, he might come for you next. If you see him, run the other direction and don't look back.

...Once I find you, I will tear your head off and feed you your own kidneys. What you did to the angel will never be forgotten, you toerag.

brb being angry, i hope he dies in a fire, protecting the people i actually like, filters are awesome, that rascally enjin, where's aziraphale

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