May 17, 2005 10:10
In writing an entry... I realize that way too much has happened, way too many things have been on my mind, and I think I may be changing who I am, but for once not to escape myself. Anyway, there are way too many things to say for me to say anything at all. If you can understand that. I've been so deep in thought the last couple of days. I've had to be. Well, I'll touch on a couple things just because. For a change, I'll start with some sadness and move on to the bright side. That way you all aren't saying, "Your journal is depressing." Anyway, those people can fuck off.
I'm noticing something strange with my relationships with my friends. The ones I see everyday I'm starting to notice little flaws and I'm getting sick of their presence. All the other ones don't seem to care or want me around. So be it. I was born alone. I will die alone. If I am the same way inbetween, at least I'm keeping up the trend.
Outlook on life looks promising. So, you know what that means. Yup, I'm starting to get hopeful. Which, in turn, may in the end destroy me, but as long as I'm true to myself and stick to what I want, I could be happy. Which would be weird, yes? Sometimes certain thoughts make me smile. Like right now...