(no subject)

Aug 02, 2004 22:47

And here we go... I have tried my hardest to live up to the standards of quoting that Natalie has set before me... this is but a vain attempt to match her glory =)

The things you can do with those ears - Dani

That was when I wasn't drunk! - Kathe

I've been here 5 minutes and I'm already screaming at the top of my lungs! - Natalie

I brought me!- Cristin

Smack me baby! - Rona

I couldn't get out without being molested - Gigi

As long as we get paid in alcohol, we're fine - Kathe

Initiative! Or you kill your husband and get his property - Kathe

You're dependant- you suck - Kathe

Farhbot… where does that "H" go? - Kathe

It's the long range plan of the hamster ball - Kathe

If that was my glamour shot, I'd get my money back - Natalie

If I can't make it to the bar, I can't make it to the elevator - Natalie

Anything that comes out of my mouth is bad - Kathe

Oh Talyn's got his first Girlfriend! - Kathe

He's the only infant I know who can make porno! - Gigi

You're supposed to do the lala, not make us lala - Natalie

This is the flamingest gnome - Kathe

Do you have him [Scorpy] singing? - Natalie
Yes - Kathe

I don't like Chandra- the stupid whore - Gigi

I think it's quote worthy-bite me - Kathe

It's not a Scaper gathering if there's no flying food - Natalie

I can bend minds with my spoon - Cristin

No! Move your head! I'm trying to watch! - Natalie

The entire room is like scared deer - Anna

Get your drink! Get your drink! - Sarah

Are we going to sing Kumbaya? - Natalie
Only if we can set fire to the floor - Sarah

I'm becoming resentful of the door - Natalie

"Shaye called: "you must be partying hardy because YOU CAN'T HEAR THE PHONE RING!!"' Shaye's message on Natalie's phone.

He's got an oral fixation - Rona

They didn't bring the vibrating chair, did they? Our room is above theirs and I'd hear bbbzzzzz - Rona

You haven't been flashed yet. It's not true ScaperCon - Dani

Excuse me, there's a dick-dick on your head - Rona

Mom! He just screamed like a little girl! - Rona's daughter

He's got really good legs - Violet Frost

[Bondage] Can we buy some? - Violet Frost

Last year was happy shippy screams - Gigi

We have 24 hours to go before we're traumatized - Gigi

Kemper is the beast! - Gigi

We've got the eat me dude - Rona

The Egyptians did it, the Babylonians did it… we can declare Ben a god! - Gigi

I have non-alcoholic stuff - Dani
Why? - Rona

She's a walking baby bottle- this is perfect for her! - Dani

Pink hair. Big boobs. It must be her! - Lyme

When a 60 year old grandmother stand up and asks him about his underwear… - Gigi

I should probably leave the glass here… nah - Gigi

Editing is down doesn't make it funny - Sarah

It's a subjunctive! Whoopee! - Sarah

It's a green glow in the dark dentic - Kathe

You are so bad… but that's good! - Phil

Real life sucks, which is why we're here - Sarah

It was so cool, there were pickup trucks! - Phil

US customs wouldn't let me send something, they barely let me into the country! - Phil

Did you meet her on the net? - Customs agent
Yes - Phil
Are you gonna marry her? - CA
No! - Phil (well Phil, you lied to the customs agent)

I dated captain Narcolepsy - Kathe

There's only three of us running around with chickens - Anne

Hey, we're relaxed and groovy - Miranda

I'm giving her purple tips - Dani
Purple tits? - Violet Frost

Hey sexy! - Corde to ICD

Wait! I'm zipping it up! - Becca

Farscape; more expensive than drugs - Rachel

See Phil run - Rachel
See Phil collapse and die - Phil

You're jail bait Rachel!! - Shan
Yes! - Phil

We can take over other countries by sending them Mountain Dew - Rachel

I just want my crispy bacon - Shaye

Every time you say something you have to pause for the quote writing - Phil

Have those thieves no respect for God?? - Shaye

The Chant: Rachel's a snorting Porn Star!

I'm not going to snort an ice cube - Rachel

This is America, you say that we kick your ass - Rachel

Then he grabbed her breast - Rachel
I don't remember this - Phil
It wasn't you - Rachel

< snort > < curse > < snort again > < curse again > - Rachel

Okay, don't move cause I'm not groping you - Shaye

Cornell. We love the incest. - Shaye

scapercon, chicago

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