Jul 10, 2002 22:06
I don't think it's good for me to see or know of a death of anything that I mentally give a personality. Regardless to if it has one or not, I still tend to do this. Especially with living things, and while I know living things have a personality, I always give them human like thoughts and feelings. For example, I found out that one of the small fish that my sister had bought had died. I felt really bad for this. Edged towards tears. So that's that.
Last night, my father moved the other fish into my room because he thought it was too hot for it outside of there. I wanted to draw but he said to turn off my light so that the fish could sleep. The following is an account of the things that I now cannot do
1) Turn on the light, because the fish may go into shock and die
2) Turn off the light, because the first may go into shock and die
3) Listen to music, because the vibrations that it cause in the water may cause the fish to die
4) Play music, because the vibrations that it cause in the water may cause the fish to die
5) Turn off the air conditioning, because the heat may cause the fish to die
6) Move the fish out of my room because a) it may be too hot and the fish would die or b) it may go into shock from its new surroundings
I think there were a few more but I'm too annoyed at the moment to remember what they are.
Now somebody tell me this... HOW FUCKING DELICATE ARE FISH?!? I don't mind it in my room and I wouldn't want to kill it but when the very ability to be able to see in my own room is taken away from me, I can't help but get a little annoyed.