People We Know Quizzes =)

Jul 10, 2002 19:41

I should really learn to do those cut off thingies...

Simon's Quiz

What is your favourite looking word?
Faith (I really have no idea about this. I don't think about this sorta thing at all and I don't like to rate things based on a specific best in most cases =)

What is your favourite sounding word?
Whatever (return to the bracket of the first question =)

Do you prefer to read ryhming poetry?
Of course not (not saying I prefer non-rhyming, all poetry has equal merit regardless of whether they follow a specific scheme or not =)

Do you write your own poetry?
I used to. Haven't really come up with anything in the few feeble attempts that I've tried at lately

Do you have recuring themes throughout a lot of your poems?
Generally negative topics.

What is your favourite poem and why?
Hope Is A Thing With Feathers or something like that. I don't remember the exact title =P (Emily Dickinson) (return to the bracket of the first question)

What is your favourite song and why?
At the moment, Saves The Day - Nightengale (I said most, not all =P

What song do you identify yourself with the most, and (if you don't mind) why?
There's a few songs that come to mind but nothing that really sticks out.

What are your thoughts on the time-travellers paradox? (Can you change the present by altering stuff in the past)
It would either have no effect since our dimension may be seperate from the one you affect or cause time and space to collapse unto itself (or something like that) (note, that's just a theory =P

If it were proven that there was a God tomorow, how would you feel? If it wasn't the one you believed in? If it was? If it were proven there wasn't one?
If there was a proven God, I'd be alright with it. It's kinda a neat thought to think that someone is watching over our race. Really though, if s/he (assuming s/he would take on one of the genders granted titles by humans) was the kinda person who would be vengeful against someone just for not worshiping them, that's more of a dictatorship which I can't say that I would support. I don't believe in any specific God so I can't really answer that question. It's impossible to prove the lack of the existance of something no matter how hard you try.

What sexual position do you fantasize about the most?
I'm supposed to fantasize about sexual positions now??

Have you ever thought you had psychic powers? Magical powers? Do you still think so? What are they?
Well I used to have some dreams where the events would later happen in reality but these were very few and far between (I think maybe twice, may have not happened to me actually, I know it did to my sister, not sure about myself but I think I got a little bit of that too)

Do you really think you'll die?
Everything has to die. There isn't much we can do aside from either accept the fact or fear it.

What's your take on life (or not) after death, any reason why you believe in that?
Anything could happen. We could be reincarnated, we could go to heaven, or it could just be darkness for the rest of eternity. There really is no way to find out given our current society.

What does the quote: "If you meet the Buddha on the road of life, kill him." mean to you?
Don't know that much about him really which is bad since I'm practically expected to but I'm not particularly religious so... =P I wouldn't kill him tho. It just seems a bit absurd to walk up to someone on the street and break his neck without even exchanging words.

Do you fear gay people hitting on you, why?
Why would I?? The only problem I'd have with it is having to tell them I'm straight which I know would embarrass some of them.

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Why can't you do that in real life?
You've read my journal, you know this. It's obviously nothing that I can affect tho.

Do you think things out in TheRealWorld will get better?
What is classified as "The Real World". My real world is right here. All that that's happening in other places could very well not exist. I worry about things sometimes but there's nothing I can do about it so the real world to me is the world I live in. I have no idea if things will get better but I sure hope so...

Do you think people should be nicer to each other? Are you nice to others? If you said, yes, then no, what justifies your behaviour?
Saying people should change their attitudes is like trying to control them. It's just not within some people's natures to be nice to others and while I admit that it'd be nice if everyone was nice to each other (which would be communism which I'm totally cool with) people aren't, can't and never will be. If it's not within someone's nature, it's not right to say that they specifically "should" be something just because I want them to be that.

Have you ever imagined what kind of person it would take to love everyone? Have you ever tried it? How did it feel?
I've tried a generalization towards this before. It's nice until people start being the fucking assholes that they naturally are by nature and following this attitude, I can almost guarantee you that you will be at a breaking point in your emotional stability.

Where do you want to live when you grow up, why?
This place is nice... somewhere in the country would be really nice though, or one of those small towns that nobody's ever heard of that aren't crazy industrialized (assuming they still exist)

Do you see yourself owning a gun in the future? Do you see yourself married? Happy? Rich?
No, no, no, no

Does thinking about the future scare you?
Yeah, between dying lonely at the side of a ditch and finally being happy when the world explodes, a lot of shit can really happen.

Do you still think that when you become an adult a lot more will make sense?
Asking if I still think that is kinda assuming I ever did. Things of human creation will make more sense because I will have learned about them. What else this pertains to, I'm not sure.

Why is there evil? Why is there good?
Neither truly exists. Good and evil are just limits that we can place our actions upon based on morality and what it means to others compared to ourselves. People say good can't exist without evil because it's true. They're not actually there, they're just factors you use to compare to one another. Almost like a scale. Think of a scale =)

If someone asked you to put a bullet through his head, would you? Why, why not? Does your answer change for anyone?
I don't think I could personally ever kill someone. I've been in absurd rages before where I would think about killing someone but even then, I know I wouldn't have done it given the chance.

Have you ever been a spectator in your own mind? When? Did the "you" which you were watching make sense? Did the experience scare you?
Um... that's a tricky one... I'll get back to you on that...

Have you honestly answered every question here? If it doesn't give too much away, where did you fib?
I don't know really. Most of the answers were honest, the favourite ones I've already highlighted as probably not being true since I don't have favourites in most cases.

Ali's Quiz


1. What gives an act moral worth: the motive or the outcome?
Well in general, the motive is the outcome. I personlly would have to say motive though. If you wanted to kill someone and ended up stopping a catastrophic event from occuring, you can't say that you were morally correct in wanting to kill the person just because by some random fluke, you saved a lot more people. The outcome doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the morality of a given person.

2. Are people means or ends? (Go, Machiavelli, go!)
Um... I suppose it depends on what scale you think of this on. You could say that they're made to be the end of the world or the means of its "development" (in which we're disrupting that actually) or something like that. Don't really understand the question...

3. Do you think it is possible to follow Kant's Categorical Imperative:
a) "Act only on that maxim which you can will as a universal law" (do only what you can reasonably expect all sane people to do)
b) "Never treat someone as merely a means, but an end also" (treat people with dignity and respect)
It is possible to follow it (assuming you can control your emotions perfectly, or that you have a perfect life built around these ideals... so technically not possible...) but in most lives, people will attempt to perform insane actions and put other people down for one reason or another. It's possible but it's not easy.

4. Do you think the world you see is objective (independent of your mind) or subjective (what you see is dependent on perceptions/etc.)?
What I see is what I've learned to be the light that the given object fails to absord. I think that's subjective... don't really understand this one either...

5. Do you believe in realism (the world continues to exist, even if you are not perceiving it) or antirealism (the world ceases to exist when you cease perceiving it)?
Either is totally possible. As far as I know it, the world stops existing when I stop perceiving it. It's just dependant on how you look at it.

6. Berkeley and Nietzsche are having a conversation in an enclosed room.
Nietzsche says "God is dead" and turns around. Berkeley vanishes.
Do you get the joke? (Yes, this IS random.)
I've heard something like this before... I understand how it works but the direct passages that were spoken by these people pertaining to this particular incident I have no knowledge of so I can't truthfully say that I completely understand it.

7. What makes a human a person? (What defines person-ness?)
per•son Pronunciation Key (pûrsn)
A living human. Often used in combination: chairperson; spokesperson; salesperson.
An individual of specified character: a person of importance.
The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self.
The living body of a human: searched the prisoner's person.
Physique and general appearance.
Law. A human or organization with legal rights and duties.
Christianity. Any of the three separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them.
Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker (first person), the individual addressed (second person), and the individual or thing spoken of (third person).
Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.
A character or role, as in a play; a guise: “Well, in her person, I say I will not have you” (Shakespeare).

Take your pick. Person is just a word contrived by humans so you can't really say person is something else than what it actually is. It has a specific definition to it so you can't redefine it based on your opinion that it should be redefined.

8. Consider the mind/body problem. Do you believe that we are only body, and 'minds' and 'thoughts' are merely brain functions (materialist)? Do you believe that the mind is the only thing that exists (idealist)? If you believe that both exist, where do they interact? How can you explain this?
Either one is possible. How can one believe only one thing when they know that both have equal merit to one another?? Why are you asking us to explain a philisophical question??

9. Do we have free will, or is everything determined? If we have free will, why is the rest of the world deterministic?
Who says that just because we have free will everything else is deterministic. If time is truly a dimension and the things to come in the future have already been decided, the only way we can change that is if we know what exactly is supposed to be for us in the future.

10. What percentage of the Big Questions are mysteries (never able to be answered by people), and what percentage are problems (we just haven't found the answers yet)? Why do you say that?
All of them very well may be able to be solved eventually or we may be denied their knowledge. Discovery of essentially everything is technically possible.

11. Lifeboat Problem: You have a raft, floating at sea. On it there is: a convict, a lesbian physicist, a mother and her child, a doctor, and an old man. The raft can only hold and feed four people for the time it will take to get back to shore. If you do not choose two people to be thrown off, they will all die. Who do you choose to kill? Justify your murderous rage.
How does a raft feed people?? It's not necessarily a murderous rage if you're choosing based upon a life or death situation. I have no right to dictate who should die based in this situation. This is something that they would need to decide for themselves and unless two people willingly sacrifice themselves for the other four, there isn't any way around this.

12. Can someone be truly altruistic, or is there always some egoistic motive driving them? (Fame, sense of self-worth, etc.) Subconsciously, I'm fairly sure there is an always egotistic (you spelled that wrong =P motive behind it all.

13. Are you the same person you were five years ago? Ten? Will you be the same person as you are now in twenty years? Why/why not?
Gee... well, five and ten years ago, I didn't think the same so I can't really say I'm the "same" person in that sense. I am technically the same in the sense that I'm still me, just more developed. In twenty years, it follows the same rules. I won't be the "same" person in the sense I'll think, look and probably act differently, but I'll be the "same" person in the sense that I'm me. Not making much sense out of which this is supposed to refer to.

14. Can you infer from evidence given that something is true, or is experience the only way to know whether it is true or not?
Depends on your views in life. I personally think that if you know something is true, there is the possibility that it's true. With experience, in your perspective, it's true. In someone else's, it could just be the possibility so either always exists.

15. Is Schrodinger's cat alive or dead? And don't give me any of this 100% alive AND 100% dead shit. Schrodinger was a Libra.
It's one or the other. There isn't any way to tell unless you actually checked yourself. If you base this on the perception thingie, it could be either but not both at the same time. (you should really explain what this is, I'm sure most people have no idea, I just happened to learn it in science over a conversation about the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

16. Is there a moral absolute? Should there be?
It's only what humans have defined as a moral absolute. It exists in that sense. There shouldn't really be one since all people are different. We should be able to determine a moral absolute for ourselves as appose to following the one predetermined by people before us.

17. The greatest good for the greatest number (utilitarianism), or good for everyone (Kant)?
Good for everyone.



1. Which time period was the best? (Classical, Romantic, Baroque, etc.)
Who cares? I really can't say I listen to much of that music. This isn't really just classical music if you're going over all the time periods of music.

2. Who is your favorite composer? Why?
Chris Carraban =P (sorry, don't remember how to spell his last name =P (you didn't ask about classical composer, you just said composer =P

3. Do you know how they died?
He's still alive =)

4. Which is better: monophony, homophony, or polyphony?
I like homophony the best, although polyphony is really cool in some cases (BNL - Enid for example =)

5. Is there an interval you really like?

6. What is your favorite instrument?
I feel kinda bad for saying it but I'd have to say guitar


7. How do your musical tastes run?
wha...?? do you mean do they change?? sometimes but there's always a general base they lie on.

8. Who is your favorite singer/band?
Saves The Day

9. What is your favorite instrument?
Did you not ask this only moments ago??

10. Is rap music, or rhythm poetry? (Assume that it's good rap.)

rap Pronunciation Key (rp)
Slang. A talk, conversation, or discussion.

A form of popular music developed especially in African-American urban communities and characterized by spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a syncopated, repetitive rhythmic accompaniment.
A composition or performance of such music.

I guess it is. (again, this is just a question asking about the human definition, had you asked if it were IMO instead, this would be different.)


1. Who is your favorite painter, and why?
Salvidor Dali, because he's great!! =)

2. What is your favorite style of art (Impressionism, pontillism, etc.)?

3. Who is your favorite sculptor, etc.?
I don't really know any of them. What does the etc refer to?? Painters also?? Salvidor Dali!! =)

4. What is your favorite piece of art?
Swans Reflecting Elephants, Persistance of Memory, One Second Before Awakening from a Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around an Exploding Pomegranite, Rainbow Fish =)

5. How long has it been since you went to a gallery/art exhibit/etc?
I think Musicfest last year =P


1. What was the last play you saw?
Dracula I think...

1b. ...the last musical?

2. What is your favorite musical?
Into the Woods

3. Have you ever been in a play?

4. Have you ever been the star?
See 3


1. Ever thought the stars were, like, God's salt, and He's just waiting to eat us?
Um... no...

2. What's your opinion on religion in 50 words or less? (I have a short attention span.)
Religion is just something for people to follow that allows them to have faith and a course of action to maintain over given circumstances.

3. Is to be, to do? (Descartes)
In what sense?? Being something doesn't necessarily mean you do things based on it.

3b. Is to do, to be? (Voltaire)
You are allowed to act out of character so no.

3c. Do be do be do? (Frank Sinatra)
That's not a question...

4. Are you confused, horrified, or otherwise intellectually violated by this quiz?
Some of the philisophical questions really should have been explained considering they didn't make any sense. A lot of the wording in the questions was kinda awkward too to the point they may have meant one thing or another.

4b. it because you're ashamed to admit you just don't know what you think?
I just outlined what I think. How can I justify being ashamed of it if I outright say what it is.

5. I know exactly where we are. ....where the FUCK are we?
On a planet we've called Earth, in a state of perception we call our minds, a lot of responses for this question have already been outlined in this quiz. Take your pick.
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