
Apr 27, 2005 10:55

Chaunce and I were foodshopping the other day and we came to the realization that we are every Marketing department's wet dream. Have you seen all the Star Wars licensed stuff in the grocery store these days? We are definitely fans of the franchise (even though the last 2 movies were less than stellar) and we are grooming the kids to believe that Empire Strikes Back is the best sequel of all time. Generally we don't buy much "stuff" in the Star Wars arena. We have plenty of LOTR stuff, but Star Wars can get out of hand quickly and we aren't all that deep in it.

However. I got sucked into buying a bag of the "Darth Mix" of M&M's because of the Darth Maul M&M on the bag. Sucker. I do love dark chocolate, but have been good about staying away from junk so I can keep off the weight I lost, but look at the guy (see new icon)! How cool is he?!? The Star Wars shop is selling all kinds of M&M related crap. You can even buy customized M&Ms in your favorite rebel or empire blend.

Personally, I think the M&M stuff is pretty amusing. Tasty too. Well, the chocolate anyway. Some of the otherstuf...weeeellll...I did have to hold Ken back from buying the box of cereal with the light-saber like spoon in it. I would have hated to have to break up the fight between him and the Girlie that would have started. Heeeeee...

I wonder if George Lucas is looking to adopt any more kids. I'm potty trained.

fandom, food, movies

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