Nov 13, 2009 09:38
I suppose it would be nice to leave an update on here for continuity's sake, so here goes.
I am in year 4/5 in my college career, seeking 2 degrees (one in Music Ed and the other in Performance). I have had a lot of coming to terms with playing this year, mainly because I have way too much on my plate to be practicing the amount of time my professor wishes me to. Things are beginning to look up though, and I am finally getting more motivated than ever to make the most of my last three semesters here at Georgia.
I am working three-ish jobs. My first job is teaching 4 kids lessons; it pays really well, and it gives me a chance to learn how to approach children with something as mind-fucking as clarinet. The next is Papa Johns, which has become more of a weekend job more than anything else. And Finally, I am a pourer at the Terrapin Brewing Company on their tours. It pays about $30 in two hours, and I get all of the free beer I want. Best. Job. Everrrrr.
On another note, I am dating a girl I had been chasing over the summer, and things are great with her. Trish is quite different than anybody else I have been with before, but I have become so very comfortable with her which really I think is quite important. I hope for us to be able to take a side trip to the mountains come Thanksgiving Break to just spend some alone time together.
I am coming home to Richmond Hill for Thanksgiving and I could not be more excited. I think that all of us should have a nice little party to celebrate good friends, since the last time I saw everyone was the 4th/New Years.
For now that is all. Oh, and I have gained fifteen pounds this semester. My Freshman fifteen was three years late. How ridiculous. Ah yes, and I suggest everyone put "cat breaks up with boyfriend" into the YouTube search engine. Funny Funny things!!!