chicks and dudes / who you really think is kicking tunes

May 06, 2013 20:41

I did it! As of today, one of my crossbigbang fics is finished! I spent all day when I wasn't screwing around on Tumblr writing the Sherlock/Elementary story, and I added 11K today and finished it. I'm rather proud of it, so I can't wait to share it with the world. Tomorrow is some lovely pre-series fic for my "All of Time And Space" series and more work on either the other crossbigbang stopry or my scifibigbang fic. I haven't decided which yet. We'll see in the morning!

my series: the family business, fandom: wholock, scandalbaby's a big huge nerd, fandom: sherlock, lj community: scifibigbang, fandom: elementary, scandalbaby's fic/meta/art, lj community: crossbigbang, my series: all of time and space

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