Okay, first off? The Doctor Who fanvid I recced below, I've just watched twenty times in a row. I swear, this may be my favorite Doctor Who fanvid ever. And now I finally know the name of the song that played on the trailer for "The Host" because I've wanted it ever since first listen. Yay for Cricket and Muve Music and free downloads with my wireless plan!
Anyway, these aren't even all the windows I've had open today, but I want to write some non big bang fic before I have to go home, so here's what I got through today...
Buffyverse Fics:
In the Moment by
fandomsbitca (Xander/Faith)
Crossover Fics:
Just the Beginning by
ami_ven (NCIS/Warehouse 13 - Hetty, Mrs. Frederick, Callen, Pete, Claudia, Myka, Kensi & Deeks)
Castle Fics:
Little Muse by
ami_ven (Castle & Alexis)
Castle Fanvids:
Stare by
allegator20 (Castle/Beckett)
Click to view
Elementary Fics:
Bumble bat by
killerweasel (Sherlock & Joan)
Elementary Crafts:
Angus/Clyde OTP by gnatkip
Sherlock Fics:
Sometimes John closes his eyes by azriona (John)
With A Tilt Of The Head by
stillwaters01 (Anthea, John & Mycroft)
Safe and sound by
killerweasel (Mary & Sherlock)
Milk and Beans by PipMer (Sherlock/John)
Once Upon A Time Fics:
suns and stars by
keep_counting (Rumpelstiltskin/Belle)
friendship intact by
morethanacandle (Belle, Granny & Red)
together this time by
morethanacandle (Snow & Emma)
barred and bolted by
keep_counting (Rumpelstiltskin/Belle)
The Last to Know by
snarkysweetness (August/Emma)
I Was Once Like You Are Now, And I Know That It's Not Easy by
tellshannon815 (Henry, Neal & Rumpelstiltskin)
what he feels by
morethanacandle (Charming & Henry)
what she hears by
morethanacandle (Belle)
Once Upon A Time Metas:
As it Pertains to the Monstrous by crixus-ships (Regina)
Once Upon A Time Fanvids
Rubik's Cube by
some_doll (August)
Click to view
Doctor Who Fics:
Musings by
akkajemo_too (Eleven, Wilf, Donna)
The last thing I need is to end up askew by
radiolaires (Eleven)
Zero G by
betawho (Eleven/River)
Afterthought by
flowsoffire (Rory)
Around the Block by
ms_prue (Eleven/Clara)
The perfect quiet room by
morethanacandle (Eleven)
Origins by
spaciireth (Eleven/River)
Mr. Pond by
ami_ven (Rory/Amy)
Here to relive your darkest moments by
flowsoffire (Eleven/River)
Frustrating by
betawho (Eleven/River)
Doctor Who Fanart:
The Factory by
psychofish (Ten)
Doctor Who Metas:
Of songs and suns: Rings of Akhaten and River parallels by
flowsoffire (Merry & Melody)
Clara Who? by
elisi (Clara)
Cold Meta by
janie_aire ("Cold War")
A Song of Waking and Mirrors by
janie_aire ("The Rings of Akhaten")
The Soul Is Made of Stories by
lonewytch ("The Rings of Akhaten")
DW S7.2 Ep2 - The Rings of Akhaten - Meta/Review by
boji ("The Rings of Akhaten")
Run, You Clever Boy... by
lonewytch ("The Bells of Saint John")
St. John's Mirror Meta by
janie_aire ("The Bells of Saint John")
The Other Spoons by
janie_aire ("The Bells of Saint John")
Doctor Who Fanvids:
The New Age by promethia (Moffat era)
Click to view