you're my first love

Apr 16, 2013 18:41

So, I finished my casestory fic today! Five parts. 10,643 words. And I managed to use everyone I love in Sherlock and Elementary except Mycroft and Anderson (though there's a bit about Anderson that is important for future stories mentioned in part 4). Seriously, I freaking love this story. Now I just need to write some stories before this one, of Elementary!Sherlock/BBC!Irene doing the dating thing and BBC!Sherlock having a deeper friendship with Molly for this fic to make sense. I may do that next week once I finally catch up on Doctor Who. I am woefully behind. But first! Will someone beta this for me? My usual (and lovely) beta lotl101 is not an Elementary fan. Be warned, though: you need to probably read "The Tale Of The Two Sherlocks" first to see how this AU is set up, and that's a 14K story.

As a treat to myself, I started going through my LJ inbox to read other people's stuff (because seriously, whenever I'm on AO3 I just end up re-reading my own stuff). I have a very long list of recs coming up. I still have a lot to plow through, so I'm skipping The Voice tonight (but not Body of Proof...I love that show so much it's not funny). So I have about an hour and forty-five minutes to plow through as much as I can before I have to go. ::nods:: But I am up to the task! See you guys later.

my series: the family business, fandom: sherlock, fandom: elementary, scandalbaby's fic/meta/art, fandom: whoniverse, fandom: the voice, scandalbaby needs your help!, fandom: body of proof, fandom: crossover, lj community: casestory

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