no still a little crazy...

May 19, 2008 13:47

okay. anton was innocent. which i kinda knew anyway... at least in regards to simone because boy... anton does not strike me as the type to take certain things for granted and good people in his life? that would be one of them. he rang me... me in my half-sleepy state answered instead of ignoring the call but i'm glad i did now. one - it woke me up, two... he apologised for his behaviour. properly. and seemed to really appreciate that i was the only one who believed him. i never said i believed him, in fact i believe when it came to my name being dragged into it? i believe i thought he was the one responsible and so he shouldn't be so quick to believe that i thought he was a complete angel in this but hey what's most important is that the vainest, proudest guy in the world actually apologised to me.

see what happened.... i shall basically paste from the conversation i had with dabu about the entire thing:

19/05/2008   02:39:09   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   anton was apparently chatting shit about how me and simone were hoes 19/05/2008   02:39:20   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   and so simone arranged for him to get beaten up 19/05/2008   02:39:33   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   i was a little ¬_¬ huh? cause he was simones best friend for two years 19/05/2008   02:39:53   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   so i cussed him and told him to explain himself, cause he don't respond if i don't cuss him or talk sex ._. 19/05/2008   02:40:33   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   he got pissed off at me and blocked me on msn, saying 'hold tight you' which is basically a sign he's going to try and get me beaten up 19/05/2008   02:40:59   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   so yeah he's explaining himself to simone, blaming this other guy called scott 19/05/2008   02:41:13   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   i don't trust scott so i believed anton but simone wasn't sure 19/05/2008   02:41:24   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   anyway, he also blamed this other girl called monique 19/05/2008   02:41:56   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   so monique got pissed at him, cussed him in front of bare people saying how he loved her off and bought her things 19/05/2008   02:42:00   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   and then he slapped her 19/05/2008   02:42:06   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   sorry she slapped him 19/05/2008   02:42:31   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   and somehow it comes out that monique is pregnant with her brother's friends child 19/05/2008   02:42:32   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   Well, damn O_O 19/05/2008   02:43:01   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   and now everyone isn't sure if it's scott or anton who's been running their mouth on road 19/05/2008   02:43:36   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   so here me and simone are, deciding it's best if we tell the whole group to go fuck themselves and call us when they grow up 19/05/2008   02:43:48   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   cause what relevance me and her have to the whole situation is lost on us 19/05/2008   02:44:14   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   aside from sleeping with anton and monique's brother... we don't have nothing to do with any of that groups issues lol 19/05/2008   02:44:57   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   seriously. xD That's a WHOLE load of drama XD 19/05/2008   02:45:27   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   so.... that's why i'm emotional, cause i liked anton a lot for reasons unknown and simone liked moniques brother... no LOVED moniques brother so we aren't too keen to leave them 19/05/2008   02:45:30   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   dabu the best part? 19/05/2008   02:45:38   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   me and simone haven't left our beds the whole day 19/05/2008   02:45:51   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   and this all took place in the space of eight hours 19/05/2008   02:46:16   boy, leav my name out init. goodbye 2u 4 a gd wile. ryan, love off craig uno. anton, can c y u didn't no now.   (*)Dabu(*) Doo doo doooo   it's just like... uh..... wtf?yes so that's how that went down

only anton rang me today and apologised and.... where you just have the idea that someone's going to be around forever? i don't think i'll be able to stick to saying goodbye to him.

oh and.... i'm in trouble with my aunt for not leaving my bed all day but... i feel better today - like i can handle things so hopefully this is the end of the lethal alburt's law being mean to me.
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