the hell...

May 13, 2008 00:39 my lj is getting it today boy lol. i just wanted to pop in and say i hate black people. i know i'm taking liberties, knowing i can say i hate black people and not suffer anything from it because i'm half black myself but i do, i really do right now. because only someone like anton who is just soooooooooo.... BLACK would make me have to leave my house in pain.

let me explain. i lended him a few chains because i don't use them and two of them i don't even really want because i hate my mother and she bought them for me [yes... i'm that petty ¬_¬] but one of them my grandmother bought for me. i love off my grandma you know and so i don't lend out ANYTHING of what he bought me. so of course i get struck down with shingles the day i plan to chase anton down and get my chain back... i'm in too much pain and a little too contagious to go get him so i ask my dear friend simone if she can get them off him.

NOOOOOOO, ANTON decides that he don't want to give the chains to her, he wants me to come get them. and the thing is, he knew i was sick because simone told him six times at LEAST that i was too ill to come out anywhere, he knows i'm broke because the three of us are just... on top of each others financial situations like that. when one has money, we basically all have money, when no one has money? the three off us are all broke, hungry and thirsty in the sun. he also knows t... well okay he might not of known that my bus pass runs out today but he does now.

swear down, once sim saw how much pain i was in... well okay i was pissed off once i realised i was going to have to dope up on tylenol and chase this boy down [tylenol, good stuff, i may marry it] but wow she was actually going to punch him. i suppose in a way its good because i'm a little...... evil with my tongue when i'm seriously pissed off with someone but seeing simone pissed off at him for nearly the same reason made me less pissed off. i was still pissed off when i saw him though, and this is man had cheek to be calling me baby. baby? and asking me for hugs? oh my days he is just lucky he didn't have my grandma's chain around his neck cause i would have taken it off and then slapped the shit out of him.

i'm not a nice person in pain.

he best find his backside down here tomorrow with my grandma's chain or... wow he does NOT want me to walk all the way to his hostel for that chain. he just don't. i walk at that way in pain and his willy's being cut off. not graphic at all.

on a side note, the only reason he's still alive right now is... i'm not afraid to admit it, he has REALLY pretty eyes ._. oh and he was talking weird, about how he HAD to do it because he just really wanted to see me. i should backhand him right? i'm the one who's sick and in pain and broke and without a free bus pass and he really wanted to see me so i must leave my house? moreover, man knows where i live now, i know he can't come in the house till he meets my cousin but he can jam outside.

sorry if some of that didn't make sense. i'm pretty sure i used slang in there. sue me. not really, ask and i'll explain if you're REALLY confused lol. i'm not that much of a bitch... i don't think... maybe. i did say i'm not nice in pain lol.
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