damn boogers...

May 08, 2008 02:37


tonight was a little nuts.

basically, there's this boy who lives down the road from me and i've known him for aaaaaaages, him and his older brother. and i remember that, for the looooongest time, his older brother 'loved' me. his brother's words by the way, not mine. yet, when he first professed his love i was 9 and he still had cooties and that was still SO gross, i mean having a boyfriend was just DIRTY, right? ._.

second time, i was in secondary school. those times where hectic but as i remember, he didn't tell me he loved me to my face... he got some little boy to do it and before i had snapped out of my hormone crazed self, stopped boychasing and thought to ask the boy to say something back to craig the boy was gone. i figured that i wasn't going to see craig again so i shrugged it off and figured me and him were over.

third time... was like... tonight. he didn't say it out loud because his friends were there and boys will be boys but things he did suggested that he felt the same. for example, sharing the last of the orange juice in the entire house with me, he could have shared it with his friend, considering how our last encounter ended he probably should have. but he shared it with me and didn't even bother to offer his friend anything by way of that juice. then, after i said that i didn't mind the mess [dabu can attest, mess does not bother me for i am a slob who can make any room look like a bomb exploded within a few hours], he decided he was going to clean up his room regardless for me. then... oh rachel remembered she had a cat allergy, and it hit her like a bomb. difficulty breathing, puffy eyes and runny nose. i had to go outside to catch some fresh air and whilst i was out he apparently was trying to find where i'd gone to give me a jumper so i didn't get cold... he sat with me until my symptoms went away and he chased the cat out the house so they wouldn't come back.

but it all went pear shaped when my aunt decided to get upset about me staying overnight at his house unsupervised. it's unsupervised because his mother is away for three weeks... and i understand and respect why my aunt was upset it's just that waaaaah he's so perfect >.< i seriously can't believe it's taken nearly nine years and my mother kicking me out and my dad's family which just haaaaappens to live on the same road as him before i was put in a position to like... fully notice him and be able to see how perfect he is. and one thing i remember saying when i was little is that if there's one thing i will need from my perfect guy... he needs to be able to cook because you know i can't.

craig can cook.

now i just need to figure out how to get his number without lying to my aunt about going back to the house she said she did not want me being in. why do i always seem to want things that are just that little bit impossible to achieve? for all the running into ryan and craig repeatedly over the years... it would just be the biggest kick to my hypothetical nuts if i couldn't have craig.
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