Dec 15, 2013 20:25
From now on, unless I have an announcement that I want to make sure absolutely everyone reads, I'll probably keep my posting to Livejournal. LJ isn't perfect, but I don't have as many problems with it as I used to (while my problems with Dreamwidth have only multiplied), and I have an LJ-only friend and a few other acquaintances/people I follow that aren't mirrored over there. I still check my Dreamwidth friends feed every week, but it doesn't update often, and all of the people (or at least all the ones who actively post) who post there are also here.
Which is to say: I need to make some new friends! If there's people on LJ that I should be talking to, recommend them in the comments. I may not agree with all suggestions, but I'd like to have a few more things to read on here, at least.
(never mind, feeling too shit right now. I may do this later)