May 05, 2005 20:27
There's a big chance and worry I may not gradiate, now... I mised another Graphics class.. I miss anymore.. and I loose the credit and thus, not graduate. Something I want. No. MUST do. No one in my direct family has graduated on time... so.. I must be the first.
it was actually just one of those absolute freak things, too... I went to bed early enough... I woke up at 7 and was wide awake.. but decided to lay in bed and wait for my mom to leave the house before I took a shower... and I fell asleep. And I didn't wake up until 10:50... which was 10 minutes from the end of graphics.. and I already missed 8 classes... 10 and yer out. I'm praying they take it as a late.. (which is what I went to the office before..) and my teacher said that yesterday (which I helped moved a LOT of shit from the yearbook room to a different room for him..) didn't count as an absense. I don't think I did... but I'm beginning to cut it really close. And I just can't lose it when I'm so close to the finish line... Just 2 more months... I gotta do this... I'm gunna start going to bed earlier.. I'm gunna really concentrate and getting homework done... No more coasting... as much as I'd like to. I'm GOING TO do it. Put aside all my depressed crap and just finish. I just hope I'm not kicked out.. that's all I want right now.. I just want to graduate grade 12 with my friends. Get on with life and move away from everyone. :P
Enough of that.
Paycheck comes. Finally a bright spot on this encircling darkness. Gunna grab more peircings and some CDs.. and a Momma's day present. I'm thinking flowers... or.. something.. I guess we'll see when I get paid. o-O
*goes away, now.*