May 02, 2005 21:59
I swear to god.. everyone was TRYING to put me down today.. let me list my fun incidents...
1) While talking to my friend today, I learned two things. First, the entire school things I'm one of the butchiest girls in the school.. Something I'm NOT proud of... and second, my friend, whom I trusted, insulted me by saying I came from a broken home. And she wasn't joking.
2) Another friend said I looked like pancake batter. He later stated that I was very ugly.
4) According to another group of people.. I'm a dirty pirate...
5) Another friend yet put down something I made in graphics class, saying it was 'gay'.
Normally, I would take this in stride, but somehow, this coming from most of my friends, it officially puts me in a foul mood. These are people I trust. And somehow, even if they're mad or something, they somehow end up taking their shit out on me. Well. They're in for a surprise. I's MY turn to be a bitch. Anyone who fucking crosses my path is going to get a a big heaping bowl of cream of hatred for the nest few days.
Excuse me while I go punch something meaty.
EDIT: I forgot one. I was also nominated most likely to be a bum.