Xmas May Be cancelled, But Damn I'm Enjoying The Loneliness.

Dec 19, 2007 10:50

Xmas Preperations were underway, I had plans and i had some of the vital ingredients and even a few guests,

this year was not going to be like it once was, me at home alone with a paper hat a single baloon and a sparkler eating reheated pizza or sausages until I was sick, intoxicated and angry, hen subsequently trashing the house.

THIS year was going to be BBQ Fun!
Beers, Christmas carols on the speakers, friends talking and eating fresh dilectable meats, possibly some people's kids kicking a soccerball aorund the backyard, and all that fun stuff that represents an australian xmas


I Am Scrooge.

The problem is this,
There's grass in my backyard that's taller than me, and I'm about 6ft.
there are so many spiders webs around the place and the infestation of nature that has consumed my house and backyard is so think that i have ot take a stick out with me to fight my way to the letterbox, (No Shit.)
and My attempts at having a gardener come through to fix it up for xmas lunch were squashed when i worked out i wouldnt be paid until friday.

that leaves me with 2 days before xmas, to get my entire backyard cleaned up enough so it can be habitated for a day.

so I'm going to keep trying and hope for a christmas miracle of some sort, but it's looking as though it's just not my time of year, and that i'll be spending my time sitting at home on the balcony, alone, with a paper hat, a single half inlfated helium baloon and a sparkler, incapacitating myself to the point of collapse.

Ah Yes, I'll get the better of you one of these years xmas, just you wait....

-Obscurity Defined
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