Word of Mouth - businesses rely on YOU. not the other way around.

Nov 14, 2007 14:50

Generally I'm not one to complain about something as minor as a wrong pizza, however this isn't about pizza.
this is about customer relations.

Eagle boys pizza, generally they make an acceptable pizza, and because the local store doesn't get as much business as say pizza hut / dominoes i tend to go through them as the delivery time is alot less.
However now I know why they dont get alot of business.

last week I ordered a pizza, the same pizza I order every time I call.
My ex worked in a pizza place for a period of time, and I heard all about the asshole customers they could get, basically im saying...I know how to dance the dance.
I placed my order, and was clear about what I wanted.
before I'd even finished my order the phonemonkey rattles off the price says it'll be 30 mins and promptly hangs up without letting me get a word in. wtf?

So I call back and inform her that, sorry, I wasn't in fact finished, and that I still want another pizza and a couple of sides etc.
"*SIGH*....ok what is it then?"
so I finish my order and once again, she quickly rattles of the price and time, and hangs up.

almost an hour later our pizza turns up and as usual I tip the driver, however in this case it seems I shouldn't have bothered.
now quite starving, the smell of food has caused immediate salivation,
sitting down and eagerly opening my dinner my heart sinks as my blood pressure rises.
what i see before me is not my pizza, I dont know what the hell this thing is.
It's half the size of a normal pizza, they've gotten all the toppings wrong, they've gotten the base wrong, and they havent even double topped it....yet I PAID for the special base and extra toppings.

So I call the store, the closest eagle boys which is in toowong, and ask to speak to the manager,
I dont bother telling him about his useless phone monkey, I just tell him my pizza is entirely wrong.

"hey, look I just ordered and paid for however that's not what I've recieved"
"ok" he says....

-Long Pause-

"Well, uhm, what are you going to do about it?"
"oh..." he says "well I dunno"
here I make a point of sighing meaningfully into the phone
"well...I suppose ill make a note, that next time you order 3 or more pizzas, we'll give you one for cheap....but only if you come and pick it up"


A) I've not once picked up my pizza, the whole reason i order pizza is because it's nice to simply dial a number and have dinner turn up 30 mins later
B) I have never ordered more than 3 pizzas
C) just...for cheap!? I've paid $36.90 for a meal and the only thing here I can eat is garlic bread! you owe me a pizza!

this is where I admittedly lose my cool, I dont shout or act an ass, but I do speak with a firm tone as we discuss the complicated logistics of pizza delivery, customer service and services rendered.
5 minutes later he agrees that I have in fact paid quite alot extra for something I didn't get, and perhaps I am entitled to a free pizza next time I order.
"well then" I say, "in that case I'd like to order a pizza..."
"delivery time is now an hour and a half"
right, I've had enough.
I decide that I'll no longer deal with them this evening and will place an order elsewhere.

I've called eagle boys 4 times since then to get the pizza I damn well paid for, and everytime I've called they've said they can't do deliveries today, because they don't have any drivers...


so I got screwed by a bunch of dropkicks who cant manage the ever so complicated logistics of pizza delivey,
well guess what, it turns out the businesses rely on customers in order to survive, and as far as pizza chains go, eagle boys aren't exactly on the top.
I've told 4 households of 6+ (that's roughyl 24 customers) in the area about these teenage dropkick pizza rebels, and each member of the household who used eagleboys out of convenience has boycott them, A friendly phone call to say "you're not getting my business anymore" goes a long way.

Welcome to word of mouth bitch, now give me my $36.90.

I'm not asking you to stop eating your favourite pizza, or defecate on the managers car.
I'm just asking you, as a consumer. to not let teenage drop kicks who're suddenly bitter about realising highschool football doesn't matter in the real world take you for a ride in the only way they can.
by stooging us on pizza delivery...
this may not be a grand statement of uprising against corporate scum, but if no one is willing to stand up and say "hey, that's not right" then we may as well all bend over right now...here's the lube.
it's your choice.

Thankyou For Your Time.

word of mouth

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