LGBT News 34
wook77Wook: This is the LGBT News segment for Slashcast episode 34, I’m Wook77 with your brief rundown of some of the highlights and lowlights of the LGBT happenings.
First Entertainment Weekly ran a poll where they - surprise, surprise - removed all of same sex pairings suggested for favourite TV pairings. Fans of the Teen Wolf pairing of Stiles and Derek didn’t take this lying down and took to the internet in protest, after EW awarded them a pity award of ‘Greatest Fan Following’ or what-the-fuck-ever they decided to call it AfterElton launched the Ultimate Slash Madness Tourney. Get out to vote for your favourite pairings in the Ultimate Slash Madness Tourney, but best part of the Tourney so far as far as I’m concerned is how John Barrowman called EW out on it during a segment on the Attack of the Show. You really have to watch it and we’ll make sure to link it for you.
A Maryland politician is pissed and outraged that NFL players could possibly dare have an opinion about marriage equality. In response Minnesota Vikings puncher Christ Kluwe wrote a scathing letter. My personal favourite segment out of his letter is as quoted:
”How does gay marriage in any way, shape or form affect your life? If gay marriage becomes legal are you worried that all of a sudden you’ll start thinking about penis? Oh shit, gay marriage just passed, gotta get me some of that hot dong action. Will all of your friends suddenly turn gay and refuse to come to your Sunday ticket grillouts? Unlikely since gay people enjoy watching football too.”
I don’t know about you but I’m tired of hearing about how marriage equality is suddenly going to ruin heterosexual marriages. Kluwe does a fantastic job at expressing my thoughts. Plus the whole letter is pretty awesome and entertaining in and of itself.
The case against DOMA continues to wind its way through court, with everyone from the state of New York, to the NAACP, Legal Defence and Educational Fund filing front of the court briefs in support of Edith Windsor’s case against DOMA.
And, if you’re sitting down, surprise, surprise the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has had absolutely no impact on military preparedness. [sarcastically] I know. Shocking, right?! A year later and absolutely no impact. No negative ramifications at all. I for one was quite certain that there would be a rash of Village People karaoke events that would just ruin the military’s ability to respond to conflict but alas, and well no super-tight boy shorts all over the place, goddammit I was looking forward to that calendar too.
And - speaking of things that are pretty timely to us - we recently did a giveaway where we gave away all sorts of cool comic book stuff to tie into our Comic Book episode, which if you haven’t listened to you really should, recently at Dragon*Con a real-life couple recreated the icon marriage scene from the cover of Astonishing X-Men 51. It’s awesome! And we’ll be sure to link it for you, but the photos alone are well worth your time. The cos-players have been together for over 20 years and decided to re-enact the amazingly iconic moment, now if only their wedding could actually be recognised. That would be even better.
I’m keeping the news short this month because we have some amazing chats that we wanted you to hear, so if I missed something you’d like to discuss please leave us a message on say, LJ or tumblr, or twitter, or our website. We’ve got plenty of ways for you to contact us and we’d love to hear from you. And that’s the news for Episode 34.
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