Episode 29: Mailbag Transcript

Apr 01, 2012 15:01

Mailbag Transcript for Episode 29

Host: el_em_en_oh_pee with ALL the Slashcast staff

Arie: This the mailbag segment for Slashcast episode 29. I’m Arie and I’m here with our assorted staff. First off we have some new members to the team to introduce to you: our new transcrptionists.

Shanna: This is Shanna, I go by shanna-souzou on livejournal, and shannasouzou on tumblr, primarily into Harry Potter and Sherlock right now.

Caroline: This is Caroline, also known as angelbabe_cj on livejournal and dreamwidth. I’m one of the new transcribers around here and I’m looking forward to joining in. I am the token British person, if you can’t tell, and my main fandoms are Sherlock, I started out in Harry Potter, and I’ve also done some stuff with Merlin. Mostly I read, I have done some writing and some roleplaying and I quite like to do some art from time to time.

Laughingcamel: I’m laughingcamel on LJ, and I guess I’ll go by laughingcamel. I’m really, really into Sherlock BBC, um, and my original fandom, but I haven’t read - like, participated- in a while is Harry Potter. Also, I guess my original slash fandom was actually probably That 70s Show. But it was very, very small, so... [assorted laughter]

Arie: Great, well, welcome to the team, ladies. On Episode 28 we received a fantastic comment from livejournal user laeathearcher about Glee, and if you have any have any interest in reading more about some of the failures that Glee has when it comes to treating female characters, and possibly also non-heterosexual relationships, check out our post-show-post for Episode 28. Did anyone have anything they wanted to say in response to this comment?

Emma: I just thought she made some amazing points about Coach Bieste, and that’s a character that, I wasn’t sure what they were going to do with her when they brought her onto the show, and they started to push her in one direction, and then they kinda - it was like they forgot about her storyline - and pulled it back and went in another direction. And this comment just captures perfectly where they fucked up with this character. So, yeah, I love it. Thank you so much for that comment. Go read it!

Arie: Yeah, it does to a really great job of pointing out the flaws of the show. So, for our mailbag segment today we wanted to talk a little bit about pairings, tropes, or maybe even fandoms that we’re not really proud to admit that we like. To start off, I’m sort of embarrassed to admit that my main fandom for several years was Disney RPF. Just putting that out-

Emma: Are you embarrassed, because you talk about that a lot? [much laughter all around]

Arie: Okay, maybe not specifically Disney RPF, but I was really, really involved in an offshoot, an Alternate Universe that crossed Disney RPF over with Band of Brothers. And it was a very, very small subset of fandom, and nobody really knows what I’m talking about when I mention it, so it’s not something I generally talk about it.

Kriken: I was immediately confused for a second when you said Disney RPF, ‘cause I immediately think cartoons. [lots of laughter] Like, how do you do RPF for cartoons?

Arie: Disney Channel RPF.

Shanna: I’m really glad I’m not the only one whose brain went there. Cartoon slash, what?

Arie: Though there is some really great Disney Princess slash from yuletides, in the past.

Emma: And that’s maybe a good segue for me. The guilty pleasure, the little guilty pleasure fic that I don’t, sort of, talk about that I like a lot is - so I have a four year old and we watch a lot of kid’s TV and there’s only so many times you can watch Handy Many before you start thinking, ‘you know, he’s kind of hot’- [lots of laughter and a faint ‘oh my God’] and I would really like to see him slashed with that guy on the motorcycle that just went by. I mean, yeah. So I have actually gone looking for Handy Many slash, I’ve gone looking for Bob the Builder slash-

Arie: Did you find any? [laughter]

Emma: It’s- yeah, and it’s terrifying what’s actually out there.

Wook: Is there really Bob the Builder slash?

Emma: Yeah.

Wook: Oh God.

Arie: I know I once tried to find Toot and Puddle slash after I Nanny-

Emma: Oh that show is SO slashy.

Arie: I know! [laughter]

Emma: Oh my God.

Arie: They’re in such a domestic partnership.

Emma: They really are. Toot and Puddle are so doing it, I swear.

Kriken: Those are rather unfortunate names when you’re talking about slashing. [laughter] Sorry, I just had to say it. I just-

Emma: Someone had to go there, thank you.

Rachel: I’ll do my confession, this is Rachel, and I guess I have kind of a trope, or a category that I’m embarrassed of, and then also a weird fandom that I fantasize about all the time but have yet to find any fic for it. So, I’ll do that one first. First one is the Stuff You Should Know podcast on HowStuffWorks.com-

Arie: I love that podcast.

Arie: That’s how I feel about my main pairing right now, and it’s so sad because there’s almost no fic and only half of it is good, but I read all of it.

Rachel: Which pairing is that?

Arie: It’s Kurt and Sebastian Smythe on Glee.

Emma: Oh, I’m surprised there’s not more of that.

Arie: There’s- it’s getting really big, it’s just starting to boom. And I like it a lot because it’s sort of like a Harry/Draco dynamic and I love that dynamic-

Emma: Yeah.

Arie: But there’s not much quality fic out there yet, so I’m just sitting and waiting.

Rachel: Well I don’t have that excuse with my really bad cheesy Dean/Castiel fic, ‘cause there’s a lot of other fic, it’s just sometimes I’m in that schmoopy mood, you know?

Laughingcamel: Um, I have a soft spot for Boy Meets World, Cory/Shawn. I don’t think there’s that much out there. Last time I re-watched the whole series, and like tried to find some fic. But it’s definitely not anything I’ve admitted to being interested in, ‘cause people are totally down, ‘like, okay you like Harry Potter, you like Sherlock,’ or even, I don’t know, more embarrassingly, Charmed or whatever. But Boy Meets World, oh and I’d like to slash the main characters. I don’t know. I mean, my friends from Real Life would not be really into hearing that. [laughter]

Arie: But there is some really good fic out there for them-

Laughingcamel: Oh yeah?

Arie: - like yuletide. Speaking of yuletide I came across Sid and Andy fic from Toy Story the other day. It was really-

Emma: Oh, that big one that everybody talks about? The big Sid and Andy fic?

Arie: Yeah, that one.

Emma: I still need to read that.

Arie: It’s so good.

Emma: It’s been on my radar for a long time. People say it’s amazing.

Laughingcamel: I’ve never considered that but now I’m really curious. I guess just like to really- most things, especially I guess if they’re geared for children, or you know, like middle schoolers I like to ruin by slashing it. [laughter]

Emma: Welcome to Slashcast.

Laughingcamel: Yeah. [laughter]

Rachel: I just thought of another one, but it’s ‘cause I’m more embarrassed that I watch this show, not that I’m embarrassed that I slash the couple. But the show Dual Survivor on the Discovery Channel, it’s like these two survivalists, one of them is all military trained and the other one’s this hippy. The hippy refuses to wear shoes, no matter what scenario, if they’re dropped into they’re into these survivalist scenarios and they have to help each other out.

Emma: Oh my god that is slashy.

Rachel: Yeah. They’re always, like, cuddling and stuff like that. But it’s a really bad show, and actually my father-in-law, the last time I visited him, we got really bored and were watching it, and he just like loves it and thinks it’s great. And I sent him a Dave and Cody slash video, but it’s like really subtle slash, and he really loved it. [laughter] There is a livejournal community for them.

Elanor: Well I will say-

Rachel: It only has twenty members.

Elanor: Well I will say I feel slightly less embarrassed about mine after hearing about yours. My kind of things that Wook never lets me forget, this is Elanor, so I kind of started out in Linkin Park slash, and then the one that kind of was in the mix with Harry Potter when I was looking for different stuff was various other band slashes branching off of Nine Inch Nails and Jackass. I love the Jackass movies, and of course in my head it’s always ‘oh yeah Bam and Johnny Knoxville, suure, they’ll work.’ [laughter]

Laughingcamel: Oh, I thought you meant- I thought you meant Nine Inch Nails and Jackass together.

Elanor: Oh, no, not together. That would be hilarious.

Kriken: I don’t know that I’m exactly embarrassed or kind of squicked to say it, but I always get really weird looks when I mention I used to read a lot of The Fast and the Furious slash. I don’t know what it is because there’s fast cars and explosions and really pretty boys. But I don’t know if it just that it doesn’t cross people’s minds because it’s supposedly such a macho movie. Right?

Wook: I didn’t look at you funny until your rec that will come up during the Mpreg Pimp Your Fandom. Yeah. I didn’t look at you funny until I read that fic, and then the follow up fic. And then I went ‘damn you, damn you I actually like this fic, sonofabitch,’. [laughter throughout]

Kriken: I told you.

Wook: Now I look at you funny. I have to say.

Kriken: But, if it means you’re reading it then I am okay with you wanting to give me funny looks.

Wook: Yeah, I feel really left out because there is nothing that I read that I’m embarrassed about. I mean, to be honest, I love so many awful things like, um, really bad creature fic. I will go out of my way to actually pay for it. I have read weredeer and enjoyed it. Weredolphin, oh it went there! I’m not all that embarrassed about anything that I read. I mean, my boss’ll be like, ‘So what are you reading?’ and I’ll be like, ‘Well, there’s these two brothers, and they’re both dolphins, and they have this human guy that they like to screw.’ And she’s like ‘Uhhh...’. [laughter] So yeah, I’m not really embarrassed about anything that I read, or any of my fandoms including, like reading, Sesasme Street slash, because let’s face it, everybody knows that Bert and Ernie are gay. [laughter]

Arie: Yeah. I love Bert and Ernie fic.

Emma: I haven’t read any Bert and Ernie fic. I would love a rec.

Wook: Oh man, the In and Out fic from yuletide many, many years ago-

Arie: That was so good.

Wook: - is probably the funniest, most awesome, Sesame Street fic I’ve ever read.

Arie: I guess what you said is really true for me too, I’m personally not embarrassed that I read DisneyRPF, but a lot of people react kind of strangely to that, and also to the fact that I will literally read any ship at least once. A lot of people don’t do that, and they’re like, ‘wait, but what about this, what about this,’ and I’ll be like, yeah it’s all fair game.

Laughingcamel: Yeah, I’m totally someone who can’t stick to a ship at all, like I joined Harry Potter reading Harry/Draco and then quickly, totally fell in love with Snarry and if there’s any good fic out there if anyone says is good I’ll read it, and I’m very persuadable.

Shanna: See I’m very One True...Fandom. Like, I get really invested in one thing and that becomes my only focus, you can try to throw other things at me and I’ll be like, ‘No, no, no, this is what I’m reading and this is my thing.’ I think I went through a six month period where I tried track down all the Ron/Male!Blaise fic that I could get my hands on-

Arie: That’s a good ship.

Shanna: -which was just sadly not enough.

Wook: See, the only time that I’ve gotten embarrassed was actually stuff that I’ve written to try to push my own boundaries. Once you’ve written double-penetration incestuous time-travel fic it’s really hard to push beyond that. [laughter]

Emma: Were all those things happening simultaneously, or?

Wook: Yeah. Basically Kirk and McCoy get shoved back in time for stupid reason, I don’t even remember, some bogus little shit plot device, and so they meet George Kirk who offers them a place to stay-

Emma: Oh my God I know where this is going. [quietly being talked over] I think I read this fic.

Wook: -And it turns out it makes George happy to do double penetration one hole with McCoy on the receiving end of Jim and George at the same time. So you know, like.

Emma: I think I read that.

Rachel: Emma’s like, I like that fic.

Wook: I know that I’m semi-squicky about having actually written it, but I would have read the hell out of it.

Laughingcamel: That is what I love about fandom, it’s definitely- I mean, I guess each fandom’s a little different - but generally it’s not afraid to go anywhere.

Emma: That’s definitely true.

Arie: Which can be a mixed bag sometimes. But ultimately I think it’s a very good thing. Rule 34 of the internet is real; if it exists there is porn of it. In many different ways.

Laughingcamel: What is you guys’ take on crossover fics?

Arie: I love it.

Rachel: Yeah, the more the merrier. My favourite thing that I’m actually kind of keep coming back to writing is Sherlock x America’s Next Top Model x Frasier crossover.

Emma: Oh my God.

Rachel:Where Sherlock is a judge on America’s Next Top Model, and they live in New York City, John is a doctor and he comes on the show to do a shoot once at Sherlock’s kind of insistence and they get jealous and the Frasier tie-in is that Mycro- that he’s half-brothers with the two ...

Emma: The two guys from Frasier?

Rachel: Yeah. They’re half brothers because their dad is actually his dad, but that’s why, you know, Mycroft talks about Mummy, but doesn’t say anything about Dad, their father, and yeah, oh my god it was a whole big thing. I think it all kind of came around because Mark Gatiss watches America’s Next Top Model [laughter] and tweets about it, so, you’re like wow, well there’s the connection, okay let’s see what we can do.

Kriken: One of my favourite crossovers is actually one that I read really recently. Um, and it’s a crossover between The Avengers and Suits. It seems really weird, except the concept is so simple, the summary for it is: Harvey Specktor wasn’t the rich, renegade badass that plucked Mike from his potential life of crime, it was Tony Stark. [sounds of approval from other ladies] Which, when you think about it is just, like, ‘that’s, that’s kind of perfect.’ It’s this long- it’s almost 50,000 words, and it’s in-depth and character driven and the characters are same as individuals but it ties everyone in from both sides. Oh, it was so good.

Arie: One of my top five favourite fics of all time, I mentioned it earlier, it’s Easy Academy, it’s a crossover between Disney RPF and Band of Brothers, and it also incorporates 30 Rock, and The Office, and Life, and something else, and it’s this whole big hodgepodge of everything ever and it’s really wonderful.

Emma: I’ve wrote- I’ve written, like, one crossover and it’s so tame in comparison [laughter] to everything that’s been mentioned. But it was a Harry Potter x Angel crossover where Lilah Morgan got sent to London to recruit Voldemort on behalf of Wolfram & Hart [laughter] and Snape intercepts her -

Rachel: Fantastic.

Emma: - and they, er, I think Snape ends up having sex with her for some really noble reason, but anyway. It was Snape/Lilah, it was het even, oh my god, that doesn’t sound that- that sounds so tame in comparison to what you guys were talking about.

Arie: There’s a tipping point when you’re embarrassed because it’s too tame. ‘I’m embarrassed of this fic I’m into because it’s just too vanilla.’

Rachel: Yeah, I’m kind of embarrassed I read Snape/Lily sometimes.

Emma: Ohhh.

Arie: [forlornly]Sometimes I read Snape/Lily.

Kriken: Every once in a while you need the little, I don’t know if you’d call Snape/Lily fluffy, but, the little happy fic.

Emma: Okay, then can I admit that I really kind of like Harry/Hermione? That was embarrassing.

Rachel: I did after Deathly Hallows part 1, a lot.

Emma: Oh yeah, after Deathly Hallows part 1.

Rachel: I really loved that scene.

Laughingcamel: Oh, the dancing scene.

Rachel: I really did.

Arie: I was watching that just last night. It was so sweet.

Wook: Wasn’t it Deathly Hallows that they had that naked kissing scene with Ron?

Various voices: Yes.

Wook: As I’m, like, staring at Ron, staring at them in horror, ‘cause I was like ‘Oh my god, seriously, oh, gross.’

Arie: That’s it for the mailbag segment for Slashcast Episode 29. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the episode, don’t hesitate to drop us a comment in our post show post. Thank you for listening.

Transcribed by: angelbabe_cj

mailbag, episode 29

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