Episode 22 - Mail Bag

Sep 01, 2011 09:51

Mail Bag

Emma Grant: This is the mail bag segment for slashcast episode 22. Since we have been on hiatius for a few years we don’t have any listener comments to respond to just yet. But what we would like to do for now is introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about what this podcast is going to be about. No if you listened to us in the past you know that we used to be a harry potter focused slash podcast, after listeing to this episode focusing of DH P2, you might still think that’s true, but actually we are going to have a multi-fandom slash focus now. Starting with the next episode you are really going to see that. We are going to talk about slash in a lot of different fandom contexts and we really hope that there is going to be something interesting for everybody out there who is listening.

So let’s go ahead an introduce ourselves.

Wook: Hi am Wook77 on live journal and basically everywhere else and sometimes I think it is easier to ask me what fandoms I don’t participate in then the fandoms that I do participate in. But I participate in a wide variety of video game fandoms, I participate in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings anything with Mark Wahlberg in it, basically. So the Departed, Fuor brothers I also participate in Boondock Saints, Star Trek and Hawaii five o and The X-Men and when it comes to slashcast I will be popping into almost everything.

Emma Grant: Can we call you our fandom-slut wook?

Wook: Yah That’s fine with me


Elanorofcastile: Hi I am Eanorofcastile I am on Live Journal and Twitter mostly and the Fandoms’ I’m involved are: Hawaii five o, Supernatural, Sherlock, both the new BBC series and the 2009 movie, Star Trek reboot, Metalocalypse and some different real person fandoms, real person slash. So, I just kind of Lurk, I do a little bit of writing. I do some graphics and I do a little bit of role playing with some friends on twitter. So what I’ll be doing here on slashcast is, I will be kind of in the background pulling the levers and making things go with technology.

Kris: Hi, my name is Kris. I am Kriken on LJ and dreamwith, Kriken06 on twiter. For the mosy part my primary fandom right now is White Collar. Although I still actively read a lot of Harry Potter. Some of the fandoms I have been involved in in the past and still go back to whenever I need that feel-good fic include Queer as Folk (the US version) The Fast and the Furious (all of the various and sundry movie incarnations there have been) and Hikaru No Go, actually-a little Japanese anime fandom. In terms of slashcast I will be involved in a lot of the transcribing and I will also be popping into the META chats and the Mailbag every once in a while.

Arie: I am Arie. I’m el_em_en_oh_pee on live journal, archive of our own and dulosis everywhere else. I am mostly involved in Harry Potter, Glee and Disney channel RPF fandoms. Though I also count myself as part of Hunger Games, the babysitters club and the OC fandoms. In fandom I generally write fic, participate in role-playing games and read. And in Slashcast I’ll be popping up, recording segments and transcribing them.

Andy: Hi, my name’s Andy. I am burnforyou on live journal and archive of our own. I do most of my reading in fandoms such as Harry Potter, Supernatural, Sherlock (the BBC version), a little bit of the Big Bang Theory, some Doctor Who and Tourchwood. With some real person slash. Other stuff I do watch would include Hawaii five o, Bones and Fairly Legal. I do a lot of lurking, a lot of reading and a tiny amount of writing. With Slashcast I will be behind the scenes mostly and popping up in segments here and there.

Emma Grant: And I’m Emma Grant EmmaGrant01 of LJ and Dreamwidth and pretty much everywhere actually. I mostly write in fandom in addition to being involved with slashcast, obviously. I participate primarily in Harry Potter. Still my main fandom. But other big ones are the Star Trek reboot fandom. I used to be really into Star Wars, mostly the new trilogy. Also Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a wee-bit-of Angel and I am getting kind of dragged into the Big Bang Theory right now, which I am really excited about. You’ll hear me all over slashcast too. I am mostly doing the insider interviews and I am kind of taking charge of the Pimp My Fandom segment. You’ll hear me on that and then the Mailbag. And that’s us. We obviously don’t have every possible fandom covered. But we’re working on that so if you didn’t hear a mention of your favorite fandom, don’t panic. Instead leave us a comment on the slashcast LJ or send us an email at islashdoyou@gmail.com to let us know what fandoms we should be talking about that we are not. We are also looking for volunteers for the pimp my fandom segment. So if you want to be on the podcast, tell us about your favorite new fandom and why you think everyone should check it out. Please comment or email to do that. Another segment you heard in this episode was slashers on the street and this is something we are hoping to make a regular feature. So if you are going to be going to a con or to a fan event and you want to record a report for slashcast telling us all the slashy fun you had there we will seriously love you forever. Just contact us to let us know you are interested and we will get back in touch with you with all the information that you need for how to record it and so on. And of course the main purpose of this segment the mailbag in the future is going to be to respond to your comments on the podcast. So please send them to us. We love squees and suggestions and constructive criticism. And we will be choosing of view of your comments to discus in this segment every episode. So you can email at islashdoyou@gmail.com, you can leave a comment on our LJ Slashcast.livejournal.com or you can head over to our website at www.slashcast.org and leave a comment there. That’s it for the first episode of this new and rebooted slashcast. Thank you so much for listening and please join us for the next episode, episode 23 coming October 1st

Transcribed by:

episode 22, mailbag

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