Episode 22 - Pimp My Fandom Transcript

Sep 01, 2011 10:00

Pimp My Fandom Transcript
Host: emmagrant01
Guest: kriken
Fandom: White Collar

Emma: Hi, I'm Emma Grant and I'm here with a brand new slashcast segment called Pimp my Fandom. In this segment, we're going to be giving slashers a chance to tell us all about their favorite fandoms and how we can get started playing there.

So my first guest for this segment is Kriken, who I actually met years and years ago through the Harry Potter fandom. Was that 2005?

Kriken: Yes, at... For the Witching Hour in Salem.

Emma: Yes. Oh, that was a long time ago, wow. So... And she's played in the Harry Potter fandom, but of course she's played in a lot of other fandoms and today she's going to be talking about her new favorite fandom. What fandom are you going to be pimping for us today?

Kriken: I am going to be pimping the new TV show White Collar.

Emma: White Collar, tell us about it.

Kriken: White Collar is in its third season right now. It is a summer season tv show, so it runs 16 episodes from sometime in June to sometime in September [see the Post-Show Post for a correction] on the USA Network. Currently, its airing Tuesday nights at 9 PM Eastern. USA Network does do some online episodes, but they're kinda random and only from the current season. Hulu also has license with USA to air the first two episodes of the current season the day after and then every other episode of the current season thirty days after it airs. My favorite way to watch it is actually through Amazon Instant Video. They have, uh... everything's up for purchase, obviously, so it's not free streaming, but it's $13 a season instead of, like, the $25 you'd pay for the DVDs and they also air the current season for a little less than $2 an episode and you'll get it the next day. So for someone like me, who doesn't have cable, it's a really good way to watch it.

The basic premise is we have, Neal Caffery is kinda a jack of all trades conman who makes a deal with the FBI agent who caught him, Peter Burke, and does a work-release program and becomes this GPS anklet bracelet totting CI for the White Collar Crime division of the New York FBI office. So the whole thing takes place in New York City.

Quick rundown of the basic characters: You have Neal Caffery who is played by Matt Bomer, who you might know from Chuck or Tru Calling. He's the conman turned CI. Peter Burke is played by Tim DeKay, who you might know from Carnivale or Party of Five, and he plays the kickass FBI agent. Elizabeth Burke, his wife, is played by Tiffany Thiessen, of 90210 and Saved by the Bell fame. And aside from that we have Mozzie, who is one of Neal's conspiracy theorist friends and his interactions with the FBI are... are really funny, just because of his whole "government is bad" background. He's played by Willie Garson from Sex in the City and Ask Harriet. We also have Clinton Jones who is played by Sheriff Atkins from ER and Eve. He's one of of the FBI agents on Peter's task force in the White Collar division and works a lot with Neal. And Diana Barrigan is played by Marsha Thompson from Las Vegas and LOST. And she was Peter's protege when she first came to the FBI office and now she's... she's up on his team working full time and the whole... That's basically the whole team that we see most of the time. And they have a fabulous, just... the charisma between all of them, they work really well together.

And that's... one thing about the show that's really nice is that there are a lot of really strong women. Diana and Elizabeth are working full time and... Diana's actually an out lesbian, so everyone at the office knows that. We actually got to meet her girlfriend this past season which was fantastic. And I mean, it wasn't played up, it wasn't made to be anything big, it was just hey, she came to get me at work before, you know, we went out to dinner. And Neal and his current female love interest went and had, like, a dinner date with them at their apartment and it was just them sitting back and chatting. It was just, completely normal, it wasn't made to be anything special, and it was really nice to see that.

Emma: Oh that is, it's so rare, on TV especially.

Kriken: Yes. So they have a really nice outlook about it.

The big pairing, even, like, discounting the het ficcers and the slash ficcers, is Neal/Peter. For a lot of reasons. Some of the big reasons... the fact that the actors have, have this amazing way of just... looking at each other. It, most of... most of the stuff with them is just eye contact and smirks and raised eyebrows and... the two of them can manipulate their face in ways that is just hilarious. And watching interviews of the actors outside of the show, they play off it. They know their audience, they know their audience so well, and know their audience will just eat up anything that they do. So they're also, like, constantly touching each other in the show, like pats on the back. If like there's a part of the episode where Neal's feeling down, Peter will ruffle his hair, which he hates because Neal always wears a hat.

Neal's very Rat Pack. He likes the really thin ties - there's lots of suit porn in White Collar, if that's your thing - and he's always wearing a fedora and constantly playing with it.

So, one of the things that we're going to include a link of is that... there's an interview where someone shot a picture either during or after and it just... it looks like they were like swinging, like almost dancing with each other and Tim DeKay kinda grabbed Matt Bomer from around the back and he's just kinda holding onto him, round like his middle section, with these cute little smiles on their faces and it's, uh, it's amazing.

Emma: That is really cute

Kriken: Like, when that came out, it like, I can't even tell you. Huge explosion all over everywhere. Um, there was also an episode this past season, so well, the beginning of this current season I should say, and basically what it was, I mean, they were running a sting... Most of the episodes revolve around the FBI coming up with some, some plot where they have to go find out who the bad guy is and they use Neal's knowledge of all the underworld workings. Like, how would you go steal this, this jewel, or how would you go break into this man's vault kinda thing. So he spends a lot of his time teaching them and going back and forth. In one they had to set up a sting where they were in, like, full-on tuxedo wear and there's this scene in the Burke's kitchen - we spend a lot of time in the Burke's kitchen, Neal spends a lot of time at their house - so they both walk in with their suits and it's like, cute as a button, Tiffany Theissen as Elizabeth kinda walks, Oh wait stop right there! She goes to grab her camera and says, "Prom picture!" And so she turns around and the two guys just got like their arms around each other smiling at the camera, and that's this other picture that I'm going to send a link to.

The picture that I'm linking to was put up on twitter by the creator of the show Jeff Eastin and before he posted the picture, he... a couple of hours before, he said, "So, how much slash would be generated if I posted the Peter/Neal prom picture?" So he obviously knows what's going on, too.

Emma: Oh, I love that, when shows kinda do that play back and forth with the audience. You know, when they... I think that Buffy did a lot of that too, even like the Lord of the Rings RPF people. When there's... like there's an inside joke and that can be a lot of fun, when everybody has a good sense of humor about and pushes, kinda pushes in both directions. Kinda sounds like that's going on in this fandom too.

Kriken: Yes, very much so. I mean, as with anything, you're going to have some disagreements between about how you think they're doing... especially in this current season, there's been... the way their treating certain characters, they're kinda pushing the boundaries. Which is an important thing to do to keep a TV show alive and kicking, but can grate with certain parts of fandom depending how attached they are to said characters. But it's actually, it's been really good so far. I haven't been this excited about a canon since Harry Potter and that's been years since I've been really excited about it, so this has been really fun.

Emma: Wow, that's quite... that's a big statement, so that's great.

Kriken: I know!

The big pairings tend to center around Peter and Neal and actually what you'll see more of when it comes to the slash is a threesome between Peter, Neal, and Peter's wife, Elizabeth - or as he calls her, El. So we call it PEN, P-E-N. And it's mostly because they are a... So, she owns her own business, very strong, independent woman and between her and Peter there's very few secrets. Um, he obviously doesn't tell her everything about work, but they're a very open couple, which is something that Neal always looks at them going... 'cause he's so used to lying to everyone, how can you tell this one person everything? How do you live like that? And so it's really interesting to see how they're rubbing off on each other in a not slashy way, although that too.

And so a lot of the, a lot of the fic either has to deal with the fact that they're a very strong couple, a very strong child-free couple with not qualms about any of that. And so the fic either, most of it, if it's just Peter and Neal kinda is under the guise of Elizabeth acknowledging that they've had this connection for years because Peter spent I think seven years chasing after Neal is the back story to the show, and so they both know so much about each other 'cause, know thy enemy kinda thing. Just the little tiny details. So she's used to sharing Peter with Neal and therefore has given them her blessing, or she's actually involved as... for the OT3. And very few fic will actually have a break between Peter and El in order for Peter and Neal to be together, just because it would be so out of character, most people feel, for that to happen.

Emma: Oh, that's really refreshing then, 'cause that's one of the questions I was gonna ask, just listening to you describe it, is okay, how do they get around the fact that one of the two guys is married and seems to be in a great marriage. So I like that, that is doesn't have to be... the woman doesn't have to be villified or there doesn't have to be infidelity or anything like that. That it can be fine! It can be just part of the relationship.

Kriken: Yea, and whether or not she's involved, it's acknowledged that they have their own thing going on and there's not point competing with it because it's something very different from what she shares with Peter.

Emma: Uh huh.

Kriken: And so she doesn't feel like she needs to defend herself or her relationship, it's just another... another part of their life.

Emma: So polyamory is practically canon, in other words.

Kriken: Well, yea. Like I said, there's a lot of communication by, like, raised eyebrows and smirking. So yea, you could basically call it canon.

And another thing that White Collar has that's really interesting... It's a cop show basically, lots of handcuffs, lots of restraining, lots of playing around on the boundaries of that, so it actually has a really good dynamic if you're into kink, if you're into any of, like, the power dynamics in D/s relationships and stuff like that. And there's actually quite a bit of fic that will center around those dynamics as well. I've read some fantastic fiction that does... that likes to play those dynamics, even go as, like, far some strong kink play.

Just to jump to, um, a couple of recs, there's... Shaenie wrote something called, "Contractual Obligations: In Three Traffic Lights". It's a three part fic. Basically, it's a whole lot of... it's through that whole negotiation process you need to do before hand to make sure that everyone's going to be happy. And that's an OT3 fic.

And then a little less obvious is Sam Storyteller, or Copperbadge, is writing an on going fic called Exquisite and what that one is... It's OT3 as well. It runs at the same time as the series, it's kind of like, behind the scenes - it's what is not shot with the camera. SO he takes the current season and doesn't change the story, it's not an AU, it's just what would happen when we're not watching. And so it's really interesting to see the way that he takes the canon as-is and kinda interlocks it with his own story. And there's a lot of that power balance shown in that one and less of the obvious kink. It's a really prevalent theme in White Collar fiction, especially because you've got the whole mentor/mentee thing going on between Peter and Neal. One is very obvious... I mean, one of them has a GPS anklet bracelet on. You can't get much more obvious than that when it comes to domination. I know where you are at all times, I control your life. You work for me and if you don't do what I need you to do, if you cross any lines, then it's back in jail you go.

Emma: Oh, interesting. It's interesting too that the two writers you mention are both... I'm pretty sure they've both written Harry Potter, yea, the names are very familiar. Both are excellent writers, so that should lure some people over. Um, that's awesome.

Kriken: Hopefully!

Emma: Where... so if people want to go looking for this fandom, where would they find it? Like, what are the archives, where is it on LJ...

Kriken: There are a couple of different communities on LiveJournal to follow. There's a good contingent of authors on Archive of Our Own. To tell you the truth, most of my introduction to White Collar is word of mouth. I don't tend to follow a lot of the big comms, because they, they will get hit with a lot of stuff and there's not as much dedicated to the slash as there is just kind of general. And that might be just because that generally most people do slash, so they don't need a slash specific comm? But I do a lot of word of mouth, so individual things. But... I mean there's the basic whitecollarfic.livejournal.com, there's caffrey_burke.livejournal.com. There's also a specific LJ user called china_shop and she actually... she does fic, but she also does vids and she likes to do really detailed recaps, which are really fun to just look over after you watched an episode because it... I mean, it's a lot of, like, she grabs a lot of... I can't imagine how much time she spends taking screen shots of these episodes, it's amazing. And then puts in a little bit of dialogue and her little, her thoughts as you go along. So her stuff is really fun to follow, too.

Emma: Something we haven't explored a heck of a lot on slashcast, probably because this has been an audio medium primarily, is the impact of vidders and vidding on different fandoms. And that's something that I hope we'll get to talk about in the future on slashcast a little bit more, but I think especially... I'm aware that in some other TV-based fandoms that there are vidders who, who actually do an amazing job at summarizing the canon, especially summarizing all the slashy bits of canon. ANd you can go to youtube for a lot of these fandoms and you can find all the slashy bits involving any pairing, characters that you want. And it's amazing that people just compile all of that and put it out there as a resource for the fandom. So that's fantastic.

Kriken: Yea, there's- there's actually a good amount... I'm, I don't do a lot of vids. I should do more because they're a fantastic medium. I think just, I'm not used to having so much of it available. But there are some very good ones out, like you said, on youtube. And pretty easy to find. And a very good gateway if you're looking for just the little bits that are fun.

Emma: Well thank you so much, Kriken, for all this great information about White Collar. We'll post links to all the communities and fics and things that you mentioned on the Post-SHow Post on the slashcast LJ and also at slashcast.org so you guys can go there to find all those links and get started exploring White Collar.

If you want to be on this segment and pimp your fandom or your favorite pairing, we're definitely looking for volunteers for future episodes of slashcast. SO come and leave a comment on Post-Show Post either on the LJ or on slashcast.org, or email us at islashdoyou@gmail.com to let us know.

Thanks again, Kriken.

Kriken: Thank you!

Transcribed by kriken

episode 22, pimp my fandom

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