
Aug 27, 2010 18:13

[the video pops on to a rather thoughtful Ed, who’s scrutinizing the camera closely, and when he’s finally confident that it’s finally working properly, he huffs lightly and settles back into his chair]

Seems in order, I guess…

[noticeably about Ed is his right arm, or lack thereof. Instead, the sleeve of his black shirt hangs limply where the ( Read more... )

[character] edward elric

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Comments 42

Voice becauseimboring August 27 2010, 23:27:32 UTC

... )


[Voice] once_whole August 31 2010, 16:44:47 UTC
So there's several, huh? That's good.

I don't suppose you mind telling me your name then?


Permavoice becauseimboring August 31 2010, 16:51:32 UTC

... )


once_whole August 31 2010, 16:57:19 UTC
Clare, okay.

The history would help me out. Different places - I need to see how different.

...So the technology here is on the fritz? [this takes him a bit by surprise; he hasn't honestly looked into it much, that's Winry's department]

[but hearing the word 'magic' causes him a very distinct pause] Magic is fictional.


[Video] nowhere_winry August 28 2010, 01:36:24 UTC

I suppose reminding you you ought to heal more is out of the question.


[Video] /fails once_whole August 31 2010, 16:43:37 UTC
I'll be fine, Winry.


[Locked/permavideo until otherwise noted] nowhere_winry August 31 2010, 17:10:59 UTC
[Irritated Winry is irritated.] You have puncture wounds, you idiot. Through and through puncture wounds - you could get an infection! Run a fever and be out there with those...things that are out there?

...I know you want to find Al, Ed. I do know. [Sigh, drags her fingers through her hair.] But if you get yourself hurt worse...or killed...that's not helping him!


once_whole August 31 2010, 17:18:12 UTC
I can't just sit around when there's something to work on! [he really doesn't mean to snap at her, but this situation is far too frustrating for him]


johntaylor_pi August 28 2010, 05:12:42 UTC
Well, you can't get through the fog...or see past it. It's acting like a barrier and only just looks like a fog. I tried finding what was making it work but no such luck in that department...and I have a knack for finding things.

This country is called America or the United States of America or USA, the city is Chicago in the state of Illinois. It's usually a highly populated city, one of America's most populated following New York City I think. They're famous for their pizza I think. I'm from the Nightside myself or around London if you want the saner city...so it'd probably be better to ask someone actually from America or the city...I know there's a few of them.


once_whole August 31 2010, 16:47:19 UTC
So it's just appearing as fog? That's about what I was figuring, but I'd still like to get a look at it myself. A new brain to pick at a mystery could help.

America, London... definitely somewhere else. I'll ask around, thanks.


[video] underagemage August 28 2010, 06:10:39 UTC
[smiling 10 year old, he's at a desk it seems]

Hello Edward, I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Miss Winry seemed very concerned about your health. Don't worry too much about not having a memory of this place...as I understand it people are being taken from different points in time and I imagine there might have been some sort of incident that resulted in you and your brother being returned to your original place and then you being drawn here again.

[pauses, looking thoughtfully at the desk]

I suppose it would help if we knew more about the nature of how they're bringing people here to explain it better. It's hard to come up with theories when we have so few clues.

[looks up again] I've been meaning to go to the library myself. I doubt they'll have the resources we need but it never hurts to look. There's supposed to be a very big library on South State street called the Harold Washington Library. There are probably other branches as well, considering how big the city is...but I think that is the main branch.


[video] once_whole August 31 2010, 16:53:21 UTC
[hey, he performed an incredibly difficult transmutation when he was young, he's not one to judge by age]

Yeah, Winry worries. She does it all the time.

Different points in time... Knowing the nature would help a lot. I'm pretty sure it's not alchemy, but I haven't really gotten out much to find out. Is there any clues? Anything at all?

[he takes a thoughtful pause himself]

It's not looking for resources about what's going on here that I'm hoping to find; not exactly, anyway. It's more to find out about this country, since it seems so different from my own.


outtabubblegum August 31 2010, 14:24:56 UTC
Ed right? Winry told me about you. If you need anything, my name is Harry Dresden. Alternatively, if you find out anything, my name is Harry Dresden.


once_whole August 31 2010, 16:49:09 UTC
You're a friend of Winry's? Alright, Harry Dresden. I'll keep that in mind. Once Winry finishes my new arm I'll be of more use.


outtabubblegum August 31 2010, 19:53:55 UTC
Yes. Glad to here it. I hope you get back to 100% soon.


once_whole September 1 2010, 01:42:38 UTC
You and me both.


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