So, my disclaimer here is that I'm not getting into whether or not Sarah Palin is qualified to be the VP. I'm still doing my own research on her background in politics, because I take everything the news & print media says with a BIG grain of salt, because the days of unbiased reporting are long, long past.
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find the way she's using her daughter's pregnancy and her own last one to somehow trumpet her anti-abortion stance just as distasteful.
I haven't seen her do this. The only comments I've seen from her stated that they were proud of her daughter's choice, and given her political stance, I would think that any other comment would be hypocritical. But then, I'm coming from the POV where I think it's actually refreshing to see a conservative walk the walk, as opposed to my own Catholic anti-abortion mother who offered to take me for an abortion the minute I told her I was having a pregnancy scare as a teenager.
I do hate her politics, and it scares the crap out of me that she wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, but I don't see her views in opposition to the party line that she's trumpeting.
Oh, I totally agree about her politics. I watched part of her speech last night and thought, "Now THOSE are the reasons to take issue with Sarah Palin" and I can't quite figure out why everyone is so hung up on her home life. I still think this is a big plot by Karl Rove to get the Democrats so busy fighting over their own hypocrisy (Um, hello? What happened to the party that used to welcome working mothers and support unwed mothers?) that McCain and Palin can slip by on a really frightening platform.
I had to say though, I had to shake my head at two things last night. One was some of the "left" media saying they had no clue about what the sexist claims were about and it just made the McCain/Palin camp look whiny. Talk about ludicrous. The second was a commentator on the ground at the RNC saying that if Sarah Palin didn't want her children in the spotlight, then she shouldn't have had them there at the convention or even worse, up on stage at the end. Can you imagine what they would have said if she hadn't, though? That's as tradition for either party's campaign as you get -- the families of the candidates seated for their speech, then up on stage afterwards. If she'd not had them there, she would have gotten smeared for being ashamed or trying to avoid or "hide" the issue. Make up your mind, press!
Of course, I'm not commenting on her politics because I am, admittedly, a moderate Republican, so at lot of her beliefs aren't way out of line with mine. Still, I'm withholding judgement on my vote -- despite my party of choice, I vote for the country, not just blindly for a party -- until I see how things play out. For Palin, in particular, I need to know more specifics of what she has and hasn't done.
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