Jul 19, 2006 05:13
I've decided that after work tomorrow (er, today, actually) I am going to start on a downtempo album in the style of Rjd2's "Dead Ringer" but the album is going to be a concept album built on samples of serial killers and songs about them. I'm a fucking weirdo, I know, but I need something to occupy my time, and this could be fun. Might actually consume the rest of my summer, which would be kind of good.
So after work, I'll be arriving home, pumping myself full of Guru and getting my morbid-ass to work on this. (Mind you I'll probably get frustrated and give up on it after half a song, and it'll likely suck ass, but fuck it, worth a shot at least.)
On that note: Any of you kids know anyone who has a keyboard/synth they muight be willing to lend me?
Okay I REALLY need to fucking sleep. It's 5:13 AM and I work at 10:30 AM. Fuck.