i'm back today! i'm happy to be home even though it doesn't really seem like i've been gone at all. i haven't unpacked anything, read anything, or cleaned anything (as usual).
last tuesday and wednesday me and brittany were at the lake; we found like 4 new roads out around my house that go miles into the woods, it was crazy. we also found a house being built right down the road..
we want to have a huge party here^^
we were chased by bees, grasshoppers, and a snake
the door of the porta-potty said "get off your ass and get to WORK!"
the house is HUGE with a bonus room, basement, deck, garage, fireplace..and i think there's a pretty big piece of land around it too
oh yeah, at the end of the hunting road was this deer stand:
tuesday night at like 3 am britt did my makeup and we rolled my hair...i got "brittanyfied"
get it!
the others are too...what's the word? well, i'm not showing them hahahha.
thursday we left for the national youth event with church. i did an update from there so i don't want to talk about it really anymore than i did. it was fun, pretty annoying and dumb sometimes, but i'm glad we went.
this is the arena where we had all our worship
our gorgeous, decorated room:
the view from our window
i don't know?! but i do know that's scary.. most of these are from our many naps- many, many long naps. we skipped one of our forums just for a nap. on saturday we slept for 4 hours straight.
sloane (SALoane)
some woman talking at worship
idiot. hahaha
me in amy's room, it looks like i have no arm.
katie let us do her eyebrows, her makeup, her hair and put cute clothes on her (GASP) she wouldn't smile though
she wasn't happy, but we made her laugh
sloane took this..
ok so the funniest thing that happend the whole time was when the people in the room next door to us started knocking back and forth with us. the knocks started getting louder so we had to get other objects to beat the wall with. we used the thing of raviolli, the phone, my brush..and then, the 25 pound phone book. this turned out to be the best. after we started chunking the phonebook at the wall, they stopped. i guess they felt defeated.
that night we stayed up until about 5 am throwing the phonebook against the wall, the door, the shower, everything and then cracking up and yelling "SHHH SHHH SSHHHH!!!". it was so hilarious.
sooo..NYE was okay. britt got the flu and i ended up packing for both of us last night and going on missions for toilet paper and towels. today we slept most of the way home and now i'm about to go eat. this might be my biggest post ever. <3 later