Aug 07, 2008 08:12
+2,000 words on the same damn pages of chapter 3. I've solved several of the problems, but I still can't fit some elements in except as a passing mention. Perhaps, when read as a whole, the chapter will blend in.
I now have a much better understanding of what needs to go in the next part of the chapter, though. I feel better about moving forward, so hopefully I can get something done.
Played all my chords. Made up some new strumming patterns. Once I feel out what chords sound right in the strumming pattern, maybe I can figure out some lyrics, but overall lyrics are kicking my ass. My buddy the rock guitarist that-tried-to-go-pro-and-failed-but-is-still-a-really-good-guitarist says I should just come up with a cool phrase and repeat it a few times. I think he means that the music itself does the work. Fine. Now I need a cool phrase. ;)
Kung Fu
I've been taking a break since Monday because I broke the nail on by big toe. The black part is mostly grown out now, but this thing I've had with my ear -- which I thought was just allergies -- now seems to be making all my lymph nodes angry. Plus I've got a sore throat. So maybe it's a good thing I'm on a break.